Chapter 11 Ari

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This is a photo of Connor, Adam's younger brother.

After changing and meeting back with my family, we went inside the Alpha's house. Nathan kept trying to sit by me every chance he got. Luckily between my dad and my brothers, he never got the chance. I'm so thankful they have my back. Once Bruce finished with his phone calls, he made his way over to us. "Everyone is so excited. They're currently gathering all the information regarding the golden wolves and their training. Everything will be ready for you when we arrive."

"Wait excuse me...they're not coming here to meet me?"

"No, that's why I was sent here. There's no reason for them to come. I already confirmed you are a golden wolf. We need to hurry up and get you back to the headquarters to begin your training." Bruce states

"Where is this headquarters?" My dad asks

"It doesn't matter where it is because I'm not going." I yell

Bruce looks at me like I'm a ticking time bomb, then looks over to my dad "The headquarters is located on the back of the palace property."

"With the Royal family?" Terrence asks

"Yes." Bruce answers. I can tell Terrence is excited but he shouldn't be. The Royal family are Lycans and they look down on our kind. They transform into a Wolf like us but they can also transform into a blend of wolf and man with extreme strength and speed. They view us weak because of how easily we're weakened by sliver...and of course, they are not.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice. The King demanded you arrive immediately, once he found out about you." Bruce stated.

"See this is why I didn't want to say anything." I stand up from my seat and start to pace around the floor. "They're going to take me away from home, away from all of you, aren't they?" I make eye contact with my father and my brothers "Yall told me! Ya'll said ya'll would be there for me, and no one would take me anywhere." I turn and run out the house. I hear them call out to me but I don't stop. I hear Nathan calling me, I can feel him getting closer. He grabs my arms in an attempt to stop me. "Leave me alone." I yell out. A force has Nathan flying across the yard, landing several feet away from me. I hear gasps, apparently everyone has made it outside the house and saw what happened. Shit, did I do that?
I see Alpha Noah help Nathan stand to his feet. In the corner of my eye, I see my dad cautiously take steps towards me. "Ari?" He says while keeping his hands up, continuing towards me.

"What?" I cry out

"I know you're scared, sweetheart. But this is important. This is bigger than us. We cannot be selfish."

"So, I'm selfish because I don't want to be taking off to some place, I don't know...with people I don't know? Really Daddy?"

"I'm not saying that sweetheart." He says shaking his head. "I'm just saying we can't think about ourselves. There are thousands of people you can save once you have the right tools to do so. I hate you have so much weight on your shoulders. If I could carry some of the load I would. We will figure all this out, I promise. I will talk with the council and make them understand you will feel more comfortable with your family. Maybe we can compromise since all their resources are at the headquarters, it is easier for us to go to them. Maybe we could all travel up there with you. Would that make you feel better?"

I nod my head in agreement. "Did you hear that, Bruce?" My dad calls out.


"OK....make it happen." My dad replies and pulls me into a hug, kissing me on my head. "You feeling better?"

"If they agree to it, I will be." He gives me another kiss.

"Did you see how far you threw him?" Treyce comes and picks me up, swinging me around. "My sis is a real-life super hero." I hear him and the rest of my brothers laugh. I just shake my head. I look up to see Nathan staring at me. I can tell he wants to come over but his parents are preventing him. I'm brought out of my staring contest by Tyler asking me a question. "You ready to set up for the party? I told everyone to meet us at noon." I nod my head in agreement. I give my dad another squeeze then follows my brothers off to the house to change into swim wear and grab some party supplies.

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