Chapter 12 Ari

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Photo of Prince Lorenzo

"So, no one is going to talk about how weird that was?" Terrence says. We've been walking in silence, until now.

"No, I was planning on acting like it never happened." I reply with a smile.

"He's weird. I would like it if you didn't hang out with him." Treyce adds, trying to make eye contact with me but I keep my head down. I don't reply to him.

We continue our walk-in silence, quickly making our way back home. Once inside, the boys put up the party supplies, then we make our way to the Alpha's house. Our parents are waiting for us there. As soon as we enter, all eyes are on us. My father is the first one to speak. "Good news sweetheart. The Royal family has agreed to allow us to accompany you to the compound."

"Well, that's good news, why is everyone looking worried for?" I ask

"We just got word, there was more attacks a few towns over. It won't be a good time for me to leave the pack right now." He looks worried. I don't know if he's more worried about the attacks or how I'm going to react to him not coming. I can tell he's wondering how I'm going to take the news. I want so bad to be selfish right now and demand him to come with me. Now that I know the dangers we're facing, I want even more to keep him with me.

"So, what does that mean?" I ask

"Well, the plan is to send you along with your brothers. That way you're not alone and you still have a support system from home. I'm going to be honest sweetheart; I don't know how long your training is going to take. In some cases, it exceeds over a few years." I tell myself not to panic, hearing the news I might possibly be away for years. I tell myself this is a good thing. I will be away from Adam and Nathan. This is what's for the best.

"Bruce told us they have excellent tutors there, that will help you all stay on track with your studies."

Just then the back door was thrown opened, then slammed shut. A disheveled Nathan appeared storming through the house. He only paused to look at me, then turns to storm up the stairs, slamming the door to his room.

"What's his issue?" Tyler asks

Alpha Noah pinches the bridge of his nose, while taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "He's upset Ari will be leaving soon and his not allowed to go with her."

Go over to the couch, to hide into the pillows. I bury my face into one of them and scream. Not because I'm forced to leave but because Nathan is so frustrating. He should have been concerned about me when he was busy locating Jessica's tonsils. It's real convenient he cares about me after the fact. I'm actually looking forward to leaving for a few years now. Yeah, it will be scary to be leaving the only place I know but it's a blessing in disguise. I get to escape the Adam and Amanda side show and Nathan's toxic ways.

"He will get over it." Alpha Noah states "it's important, when you get there, you're able to focus. I know my son well enough, to know he will cause a distraction."

I nod my head "So when will we be leaving? I still want to celebrate my birthday with ya'll before we go."

"We need to leave immediately." Bruce stated

My dad looks over at Bruce and rolls his eyes. Bruce might be built like a Mac truck but my dad is right there with him. I truly believe my dad could take him. I can tell by the look he's giving him; he's thinking the same.

"Will tomorrow be too soon?" My dad asks me. "We will all help. We can give everyone a heads up. Tonight, we're doing a birthday/going away party."

"Yeah, if you're ok with that, we can go ahead and send out a mink link to everyone." Alpha Noah adds

"The Royal family was expected her by tonight. They're not going to be happy." Bruce barks out

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