Chapter 15 Ari

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The Royal couple was so excited to meet me, they were actually waiting for us when we landed. My eyes immediately went to them. The King looked like an older version of Prince Lorenzo. Tall, dark and handsome with eyes of honey and skin of gold. The queen looked like perfection. Her bronze skin glowed in the morning sun, her long brown hair flowed perfectly down her back. She has the most warming smile, that would make anyone feel welcome.

The King and Queen were so nice and welcoming, they even posed for selfies with my brothers. Lorenzo and I rode back with his parents in the limo, while the remaining of our party divided up amongst the other SUVs, to travel the short distance to the palace.

Once seated inside, the king didn't waste any time breaking the ice. "I'm glad you agreed to come here, to commence your training. It's very important we start immediately. I'm a realistic man, I'm not expecting you to go out next week and stop this war. We've been managing for the past 200 years, in the absence of the golden wolves, I imagine we can continue managing for a few more. Based on our research, it appears most golden wolves spent about 5 years mastering all of their abilities. I'm going to be honest with you, I want you trained and ready in half that time. I've already established a team that will be handling every aspect of your training. We want to make sure you're given everything you need to fulfill your destiny." The king finishes.

What am I supposed to say? My brain is still trying to process I'm in a car riding with the Royal family and the king is actually talking to me. I don't know how to reply to him. Of course, I've been around important people having conversations before, I'm the daughter of a Beta, I should know how to conduct myself properly without sounding incompetent. With all that being said, I still don't trust myself, so I'm going to stick with being generic and simple as possible.

"Thank you" I reply with a smile. Yes, short and sweet, my voice didn't crack either! I actually think I nailed my smile. I've been practicing on plastering on a genuine looking smile, to mask my emotions.

"So, Ari I hear you had a birthday that kept you away." The queen says with a smile.

"Yes ma'am" Crap was I supposed to say your majesty or something. I'm out of my element here. Before I can think too much of it. The King starts talking again. "We can give you a quick tour, when we arrive but I'm pretty sure Bruce will be retrieving you soon to start training."

"Actually, there's been a change in plans, I will be mentoring her now" Prince Lorenzo stated. Based on the look on his parent's faces, I can tell this surprised them.

"Is there a reason for this change? You knew how eager Bruce was to train Ari. We had a hard time getting him off the phone when he confirmed she was real, he kept going on and on about her." He takes a moment to think. "No offense Ari, but Lorenzo you didn't even want to go with the group to bring her back. Now that I think about it, if Tammy didn't beg you to come, you would have stayed at here." He finishes with a concern look at his son.

Lorenzo face gives nothing away, he simply says "I shouldn't have to give a reason to train my mate."

"Who do you think...." his father begins to say. His mother reaches out, grabs his father's arm stopping him. She's looking at us with a shocked expression.

So, this is how he wants to announce us. Not as classy as Nathan's approach but it still gets the job done. "Did you just say, what I think you said?" The Queen finally asks

"That I shouldn't have to give a reason to train my mate? Yes, that's exactly what I said" Lorenzo replies

"She's your mate?" His mom says with a genuine smile. "I've given up hope with you." She laughs

"But she's a werewolf. I've never heard of a Lycan werewolf pair before." His father adds

"Well, we heard of it now!" His mom adds clapping her hands together. "Congratulations to you both! This is so exciting." His mother beams "I want to do an announce immediately, when do you think we should have the mating ceremony?" She asks

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