I feel a bit off
Just not quite right
My throat's a bit sore
And chest's a bit tight
My skins feels funny
But not really bad
Not enough to miss work
So I'm feeling quite sad
I've got a stuffy nose
My head has an ache
I've got work to do
But I can't concentrate
My ears have a ring
My eyes are all sore
This little cold
Is becoming a bore
I feel quite drowsy
I worry to drive
But I know I'm alright
And I will survive
I'm not holding my breath
I'm trying not to cough
Don't ask me to talk
As my voice sounds all gruff
My nose is now sore
From all of the blowing
My body can't decide
If it's coming or going
I've taken some aspirin
Drank warm milk and honey
My headache is going
But my nose is still runny
I know it's not an excuse
To shirk the house chores
But whenever I move
I feel like I've been in the wars
I'm not going to die
I just a fell a bit rough
You just need some sympathy
When your just a bit off

Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.