Climate Change

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"Remember everyone," he reported

"Climate change is fake, created

By the Government to keep us in check!"

As he stood on a hill in Birmingham

Water lapping at his feet

"I don't get this climate emergency," she said

"They said the world is supposed to

Get hotter, but it's freezing today!"

As she pulled her coat tighter

Protecting her from the snow falling in July

"More extreme weather?" He questioned

"What a load of rubbish, weather patterns

Change all the time!"

As he hid in the basement in Brighton

Waiting for the tsunami to hit

"So a few animals aren't in the wild," they said

"We can still see them here, and it costs less,

Don't need to travel to other countries."

As they watched one of the last

Polar bears pad in front of the glass

"This the the life," she said

"30 degrees and bright sunshine

Perfect for a tan, drink and snooze."

As she laid back in her deck chair

On the rocky coast of the Arctic Circle

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