I find it is a pain to hit the given word count
I realise I do not have that much to say
So instead of facts and figures
I must elaborate and elongate my sentences
Adding in as many words as possible
Whilst simultaneously saying absolutely nothing
Of relevance or making any point that in any way
Retains any pertinence to the question that
I have in fact, by some higher power,
Been asked to discuss, to comment upon
Instead I sound like some verbose, word
Laden monster, using synonyms to say
The same thing over and over again
But in slightly longer and increasingly futile ways
Whilst simultaneous producing no evidence
Whatsoever of said point that I, in all my wisdom
Do indeed need to make, but still I plough on
Like a farmer sowing the seeds that will
Spring forth life and ultimately sustain us
With rich crops, now using even more literary techniques
Such as similes, metaphors and alteration
To take you on a journey through the winding
Wonderment of words using strangely
Superfluous sentences
And yet you read on, thinking to yourself
What a clever wordsmith creating
Vivid and magical images in our minds
When indeed I am saying absolutely nothing
Just counting each word, ticking down
To the point where I need to write no more
But in the end it all goes wrong
And I finally run out of
Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.