Too many people make a choice
A choice to enrich their lives over others
A choice to put others down and raise themselves up
A choice to take from others and give to themselves
Then they moan, they whinge, they whine
When they cannot accept the consequences of their actions
For every choice has a path
Every choice has a reaction
Every choice has a destination
Choose hate and you will gain scorn
Choose greed and you will lose love
Choose suffering and you will get pain
So why not take a different path?
Choose love
Choose life
Chose help
Choose support
Choose kindness
Choose sacrifice
Choose friendship
Choose forgiveness
Choose sharing
Choose joy
It may not be the easiest journey
But when you sit alone
When you lie awake whilst others sleep
When you are ill and cold
You will know you made the right choice
And you will smile

Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.