Do you remember
The majestic White Rhino?
Hailing from southern Africa
Its grey hulking mass
Wide mouth and two great horns
A powerful plant eater
Do you remember
The gracious Sumatran Tiger?
Hailing from southern Asia
Black stripes on bold orange fur
A loud roar and huge claws
A deadly hunter
Do you remember
The ferocious European Badger?
Hailing from central and western Europe
Its distinctive black and white face
Low lumbering frame
A nocturnal wonder
Do you remember
The beautiful Lovebird?
Hailing from central Africa
Its colourful plumage flashing in the sun
As it flits from branch to branch
A winged paradise
But these animals are alive now
You may think
But what of the Dodo, the Caspian Tiger?
What of the Sicilian Wolf, the St. Helena Darter?
What of the Guam Flying Fox, the Golden Toad?
All these went extinct in, or just before our lifetime
Do not let our children's children look on
The Orangutan, the Leopard, the Sea Turtle
In confusion, wondering what they were really like

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PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.