The radio blares
The notification pings
A new song
The hit of the decade
Here it comes
Smashing through my speakers
I shake like frost is biting at my soul
So much excitement
So hard to contain
Of all the topics in the world
I wonder which they will tackle?
Could it be war
Could it be peace
Could it be sci-fi
Could it be fantasy
Is it about a famous person
Or a tale of an unknown soul?
It is deep, with a message
Twisting through each line?
Or is it a catchy tune
No meaning, just fun to dance to?
I hold me breath
I clear my mind
Making sure all other noise
Is dimmed to the point of nothingness
As the music fires into the ether
My hands bolt to my ears
I want to scream
The melody and rhythm may be good
It's yet another love song!

Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.