You call me a Nintendo Fan Boy
Just because I love the N64
The SNES, Gamecube and Wii
It's all one nostalgic tour
You're part of the crowd with your X-Box
You have no hope with a PS4
It's all real world games but not fantasy
Which turns you into quite a bore
You think you're cool with your realism
But I'm driving down Rainbow Road
You think you're cool with that latest skin
But I'm tracking treasure with Toad
You think you're great with that assault rifle
But I'm dress up like Tanooki
You think you're fantastic with that lucky head shot
But beating Bowser isn't so flukey
You think you're cool shouting in your headset
Whereas in Hyrule I'm not online
You think you're hard done by with all that lag
But soon the Triforce will be mine
Whilst you lose to little kids around the world
I'm inking them with splats so blue
And whilst you do another rage quit
I've levelled up my Mewtwo
Whilst you listen to bad backing tracks
I've got K.K. Slider's one man band
You seem to be scared of ghosts in games
But I've got a Poltergust 5000
You just consume pre-made maps
Whilst I make Mario levels
When you cry at what you've spent
In all my friends creations I can revel
Is that a traditional tennis game?
What it has no ultra smash?
You just play with the standard old pros
Whilst I let my amiibo have a bash
And when those characters annoy you
Because you think they're cheating
I'll just plug in Smash Bros.
And give them a really good beating
You say you don't like our graphics
But we don't want your game play
You can keep a man with a gun
I'd rather have Bayonetta any day
So we don't have PES or FIFA
Now that's a little annoying
But with Tom Nook I can build a nice house
Rather than all of this destroying
Well Fallout 4 does look quite good
But Pikmin are blue, white and red
Lara Croft does dress quite nicely
But they've got flowers on their head
I don't want your silly grenades
Because I have a master sword
I'd rather show skill with my hookshot or bow
Just blowing things up makes me bored
I think it's you that is sad and not me
When on Grand Theft Auto you steal cars
You think you've grown up all big and tough
When, like me, you used to collect stars
Oh look at that avatar you have now
It almost looks like a Mii
I would jump on my high horse
But instead I'll get on Yoshi
You may have stolen some of our Monkey Balls
But I've got a whole family of Kongs
Keep your Singstar rhythms and instead
Let's get our bongo out and sing songs
You think Solid Snake is so hard
But Gannondorf would take him down
Then Impa and Link would have to save him
So he could turn around that frown
What am I saying? I really want Battlefront
Let's put this argument to an end
We will give you Zelda for The Last of Us
And then we can just be friends
So come and play on the Wii U
It's a party gamer's delight
I'll be Luigi and you can be Mario
Then we will have one smashing fight

Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.