Hurry hurry
Check the clock
Keep on running
Just can't stop
Time is ticking
Double fast
Keep up the pace
It has to last
There's the building
Right in sight
I will get there
Using all my might
Quickly looking
Find the screen
Which platform?
Have you seen?
Do we go
North or South?
To Edinburgh
Or Bournemouth
I think I have it
Yes I do
That one there
Six thirty two
The noise has stopped
Why the hush?
Our train's been cancelled
Why did we rush?
So here we sit
With overpriced food
And a cup of tea
That's over brewed
It's not the way
To start a marriage
Waiting an hour
For a packed carriage
Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.