I've been found out
Like the Scarlet Pimpernel
Leading an artistic double life
Saving words from certain doom
Like a villain on Scooby Doo
Wondering how those 'pesky kids'
Knew it was me all along
My true identity revealed
Like Clark Kent and Superman
The glasses are off
And the real me exposed
Seen as more than I was
Like Mary Westmacott
Though I do one job well
There is more than meets the eye
I can't wipe their memory
Like the Men in Black
They will never forget
The man behind the disguised
Yes, I must confess
I must tell the truth
You see
I am...
I am a...
I'm a secret writer
Well, not so secret any more
Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.