Parenting (or I love you but please leave me alone for five minutes)

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I know that you are my life
But sometimes you just cause me strife
Your questions really get me down
Why is the sky blue and the earth brown?
You are the apple of my eye
So why is it you must defy?
All the rules that I set
And no we are not there yet
The washing machine is going again
I think we're on load number ten
I'm sure you've got more clothes than me
Your t-shirts number fifty-three
I thought I'd washed them all by now
But the laundry basket's full somehow
How much TV do you want to view?
When I turn it off you look so blue
I have the theme tunes in my head
They go round and round when I'm in bed
Let's go outside and play with sticks
Now put that down and stop those tricks
Just leave your sister alone
Hang on how did she get my phone?
Oh I see she started it
You both sap my energy bit by bit
I read this book the night before
It really is starting to bore
I read The Gruffalo a million times
Now I can remember all the lines
I keep reciting it in my head
If it's not your music it's that instead
To get you dressed takes a whole day
You just roll over and crawl away
We started getting ready at half past eight
It's gone eleven and now we're late
Why are you tantruming today?
Because in the cat litter I won't let you play
Or eat that dirt off the floor
Or we have to leave we can't play more
I remember when I had a book
In every cranny and in every nook
When I could read or watch TV
When I used to really be free
Now there is no space in this home
Because all your stuff is thrown
Across the floor and piled on the shelf
If I sold it all I'd have some wealth
Some you haven't touched for a year
If I had my way it would be out on its ear
I was just going to throw that away
But with it you have started to play
How many toys do you really need?
You have horses in every colour and creed
Batman, Spider-Man, Thomas and Friends
This glut of stuff never ends
Then your relatives come around
And now there's even more abound
Your Mum and me, we used to speak
Now we just nod when we greet
We look into each other's eye
And wonder how we will survive
The romance really is quite dead
How do we get through so much bread?
Did you actually hear that rumbling?
It sounds as if your bottom's grumbling
I am pretty sure we shouldn't yet
Have farts louder than a jumbo jet
And when I try to have a wee
You suddenly appear just behind me
Can I have some space, however brief?
To do a poo or brush my teeth
I've got a cold I think I'll drop
But you don't care you just won't stop
You just keep saying look at this
To jump a bit gives you so much bliss
I just want to have a rest
But my patience you must test
My shoulders are starting to ache
Just get off I need a break
I don't really want to be a train
A boat, a horse or a climbing frame
How much snot can you produce?
We really must learn to reduce
The amount of tissues we are using
If only you would stop refusing
To let me wipe your button nose
It really just adds to my woes
I'm sure that fish cake was just mine
It really did look divine
Now it's in your mouth of course
You're eating it without remorse
You liked spaghetti the other day
We don't eat shepherd's pie that way
Oh look it's now all down your top
This messiness has to stop
Can you sit on your chair properly?
You'll hurt yourself and then it's me
That has cuddle and comfort you
Oh you're grumpy because you need a poo
Just get down, to the toilet run
Your tea will be here when you're done
It took you ten minutes to get there
Now you've done it in your underwear!
I know when you don't want more
Because you throw it on the floor
I'm just glad that we've got a pet
That'll hoover up if I forget
And when I get five minutes free
I go and collect cold cups of tea
They seem to be dotted all around
In places they should not be found
In the bathroom, by the toaster
There's even one behind the sofa
When you finally go to sleep
I tell myself I'll have a treat
Because the days been a rollercoaster
I'll just fall asleep on the sofa
It's time to sleep not bounce on bed
But, "I love you," you just said
Now I really want to cry
Your so sweet and you do really try
To be good and nice and wonderful
On my heartstrings you can pull
A cuddle, kiss and then goodnight
To lose you would give me a fright
I do this again every day
Because I love you more than I can say

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