You see this hard shell
So small in your hand
Nothing but a fleeting
Speck from the corner
Of your eye
Place me deep
Within the earth
Wait and watch
Feed me
Quench my thirst
For the love you give
Will imbue me with energy
Imbue me with life
Now I appear
Peeking over the parapet
A fragile child
Knocked by wind and rain
Beaks pecking away
Claws tunneling around
But I will grow
Little by little
Year by year
I shall be stronger
I shall tower over you
Be seen from miles around
And when you are gone
I will still stand here
I shall be your monument
Shall be your memory
Until I drop, for tiny hands
Another hard shell
Another packet of life
That they may place
Deep within the earth
And let the cycle begin anew

Bad Poetry You probably never want to read
PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.