If you cross a dog with a cat do you get a dot?
If you cross a donkey with a zebra do you get a Debra?
If you cross a spider with a baboon do you get a spoon?
If you cross a camel with a parrot do you get a carrot?
If you cross an anteater and a badger do you get some anger?
If you cross a panda with ants do you get some pants?
If you cross a bear with a cobra do you get a bra?
If you cross a falcon with a sea squirt do you get a fart?
If you cross a beetle with a possum do you get a bum?
If you cross a blue footed booby with a...
Actually someone's already done that one for me
Anyway, if not, they need to fire people who name stuff!
Also, sorry I had to stop before it all got a bit too rude
I was looking for animals that combine to make poo next!
If you're wondering, it's a python and a kangaroo

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PoetryJust some of the poetry I have written.