•2• He's Different

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(Sarah's P.O.V)

"You guys ready to party??" Some guys yelled as they walked past us and ran into the hotel. I giggled and followed the girls listening to the sounds of my heels clacking against the pavement.

"Welcome ladies." A guys with blue eyes and blonde hair spoke opening the door for us.

"Hey.." Rachel spoke winking at him causing all of us to laugh. He smiled a little and fixed his tie. He must've been the door man.

"Holy shit..." I whispered as loud music and plenty people surrounded us.

"See you later girls!" Rosie's screamed running off into the crowd.

"Im gonna get me a drink!" Rachel yelled before walking off leaving me mixed in the crowd. I sighed and tried to push my way threw people when I heard a lot of giggles and gasp.

I shrugged it off and kept making my way threw when I heard a voice.

"Hey!" A voice yelled tapping my arm. I spinned around to be met by a beautiful carameled eyed boy.

"Hi!" I said lifting my hand with my clutch and waving a little.

"You wanna get a drink?" He yelled smiling widely. I giggled and nodded taking a hold of his hand as he dragged me threw the crowd. I couldn't help but notice the glares most of the girls were giving me.

"I know a quieter place!" He said laughing causing me too blush and follow him over by the DJ and into a room.

"What's this?" I asked as all you heard was the bass outside the room.

"Its just a hotel room I had them set up just incase we ran outta drinks." He chuckled taking me over to a pair of love seats. "My names Jason by the way." He chuckled putting his hand out for a handshake.

I now understood why I got the horrid looks as I shook his hand.

"Im Sarah." I giggled pushing some of my hair behind my ear. "Are you the host of the party?" I asked bringing my hand back to my side.

"Yes! Actually I am." He said smirking.

"Well its nice to meet you." I said blushing and crossing my legs. I watched as his eyes traveled down my body then back up.

"You look nice tonight." He said giving me a small smile.

"Thank you, and so do you." I said laughing at the end. He smiled and shrugged standing up and going to the little island. "You gotta any Remi over there?" I asked standing and going next to him.

"Yes ma'am" he chuckled grabbing a glass and pouring til it was half full and handed it to me.

"There you go beautiful." He said smiling at me. I giggled and blushed taking a sip from the liquor.

"You have a cute smile." I blurted out before covering my mouth with my free hand and blushing.

"Ha. Thanks babe." He said chuckling and pouring himself a drink. "So how about we get to know each other?" He asked raising an eyebrow and taking a seat again.

"Sure!" I said moving my clutch and sitting back down.

"So how old are you?" He asked taking a swig from his whiskey.

"18, how about you?" I asked smiling.

"20, I'm gonna turn 21 in 9 days." He said smirking to himself.

I laughed and blushed. "You're funny." I said smiling at him and moving my hair out of my face.

"And you're gorgeous." He said as a comeback and chuckled.

I blushed as I felt butterflies swarm inside my stomach. He was so different from all the other guys. He didn't hit on me or try to flirt with dirty pick up lines. He also didn't make it seem like all he wanted to do was have sex with me. Like most guys would.

"Thank you..." I whispered drinking the rest of the liquor causing my throat to sting at the sensation.

"Well anyway, uhm what's something you like to do?" He asked looking at me over the rim of his glass.

"Uh mostly write and draw." I said shrugging and setting the empty glass down.

"You seem like a laid back kinda girl... But there something about you.." He spoke starring at me with suspicion. "I don't know what it is now, but I'll find out one day." He said with a seductive smirk.

I giggled and blushed. "Come here." He said lowly patting his lap.

My eyes widened and I looked at him as if he was insane.

"I don't bite..." He chuckled.

"O-okay." I whispered standing and going over to him. Instantly he pulled me down on his lap making me uncomfortable. His rough hand stroked my bare thigh.

"Your body is glorious." He said licking his lips and looking directly at my cleavage. "The things I could do to you..." He whispered, looking back up and making eye contact with me.

I giggled and blushed looking back in his eyes.

"C-can I do something?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Mhm." I whispered watching as his eyes flicked to my lips then back up. My breathing hitched in my throat as he slowly leaned forward. I swallowed and leaned in as well closing my eyes.

Then our lips smashed together. I smiled in the kiss as our lips molded perfectly and moved in sync. He breathed out and ran his hands up and down my thighs.

I moved my hands to his hair and gripped feeling butterflies swarm my stomach.

"This is gonna be a fun night..." He mumbled against my lips before pulling away.

(Authors Note: Hope you guys liked that chapter!)

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