•11• Threatening Love

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(That picture up there is one of my faves but anyway it goes along with the plot for the beginning of the story)
(Sarah's P.O.V)

"So where'd you meet Jason?" One of the girls (Jason introduced me too) asked as we walked along the soft grass by the lak behind Jasons house.

"At a party." I blushed remembering the night like it was yesterday. The girls ooed and giggled as they saw the heat rise to my cheeks. "Your so adorable." The tall blonde cooed indulging me into a hug. "Stop..." I whined while giggling.

Its like I was a three year old child because all day since Jason went out with his friends, they've been pampering me. I mean I don't mind being bought stickers and delicious sweets but I'd really like if they gave me a little space.

"Hey you guys never told me your names." I pouted as she released me and we began our journey again.

"I'm GiGi, that's Mona." The girl who had just cuddled me to death smiled. "Well I'm Sarah." I said smiling widely.

"We know that hun." Gigi laughed kissing my cheek quickly.

"Hey what happened to the other girl that was with us? The other blonde." I asked in confusion remembering it was three unknown faces and now its only two unknown faces which I now knew.

"Oh she went back inside. I honestly don't know why though. No ones here except that Rebecca chick they got from their mission." Mona said shrugging slightly. My eyebrows furrowed together as she',mentioned the Rebecca girl which I had not met. I decided to let it slide and went on with the day.

(Later on that night)

A small squeal left my lips as I heard the laugh of the guys as they entered the house. My lips instantly turned into a smile as Jason's voice ran through the house.

My mood slightly went down as I heard a slam and cursing coming from Jason. That instantly changed when I heard him said where's my baby

"Where's Sarah?" He asked his tone of voice a little raised. I smiled when footsteps approached I and Jasons room.

The door slammed open revealing a angry looking Jason. My eyes widened at his entrance but the smile never left my face. "Get up." He spat closing the door and locking it. I frowned and stood up looking down. 'What's up with him' I thought as his hands bawled into fist.

"Did you go in the basement?" He hissed grabbing my wrist harshly. "N-no..." I whimpered jerking away from him.

"Why the fuck is the door open then?" He growled looking me in my eyes. I groaned out a no and sighed inwardly when I noticed the red surrounding his dark pupils, he must have been smoking.

"I dont know." I hissed in pain and whimpered as tears pricked the corner of my eyes.

"Look at me." He growled but I didn't listen and kept my head down.

A gasp left my lips as a stinging sensation came over me and infolded on my cheek. "Shit..." He whispered before trying to grab me in a hug. "Baby Im so s-" He started but I of course cut him off.

"I don't know who you think you are! But I'm not one of your sluts I will not and I will never allow you to put your hands on me! If you want me you're gonna have to show it because I don't give a fuck if your high or drunk but you aren't going to be hitting on me like some hoe on the streets! I may be small and I may still be young and I sure in hell am not perfect but you will not use me as a punching bag. I don't know what that was about but it better not happen again because I swear I'll leave your ass!" I yelled with hot tears running down my cheeks.

Sadness feeled his eyes as I shook my head and backed away. "If you really love me you'll show it but for now on leave me alone." I spat open in his door and walking out.

How could he...?

(Author's Note: So there's the first physical accounting with Sarah and Jason, and let me tell you there will be more. So love you guys hope you liked it. Bye babes)

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