•4• Can't get enough

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(Jason's P.O.V)

I decided to do some research on that Sarah girl, I wanted to trust her but I had to do this. All I knew was where she lived and her first name. I honestly didn't know how I'd do this but I would find away.

"Aye Kevin!" I yelled hearing him come in the house. "Damn.. Can't even step a foot into this fucking place." I heard him grumble and his foots steps echo as he walked to where I was.

"What's up?" He said raising an eyebrow at me and taking a seat at the chair on the other side of my desk.

"I need to get some information on someone. Think you could help me out?" I asked searching up the apartments she stayed at.

"Alright, who is it? Ex gang member or something." He asked grabbing a blank sheet of paper off my desk and a pen.

"Its a girl... Her names Sarah and she lives in Dorado plaza." I said and he scribbled the details down. "Alright, what does she look like?" He asked. I thought. "Wavy brunette hair to the middle of her back, um she's really petite like an child, and uh she will really stick out I think she's like Hungarian or something." I said shrugging.

"Okay, I got ya dude." He chuckled and stood up. "I got food too, its in the kitchen." He said. "Great I'm starving." I groaned standing up and following him out the bedroom.


(Sarah's P.O.V)

"Hi." I whispered sitting next to Rachel at the lunch table. "Hey party girl!" She laughed causing me to giggle.

"So what's up?" She asked looking at me. "You remember the host from the party yesterday?" I asked picking at my salad. She nodded and said a quick 'Hi' to Rosie and her boyfriend Terrance.

"The Jason guy right?" Rachel said with a mouth full of food. "Yeah him. Well me and him may have a thing soon." I said low enough for only her to hear.

"SERIOUSLY?" She yelled slightly choking on her food. I blushed and nodded. "Now shhh you're gonna draw attention." I said poking her shoulder. She nodded and wiped her mouth.

"So what happened last night? Did you guys do it? Oh my god you two did do it!" I laughed as she rambled on and on. "No we didn't do it!" I whispered yelled pushing her lightly. "Then what did you do?" She said raising an eyebrow. "He got drunk so I took him home and we only kissed." I whispered blushing.

"Aww first base babe." She giggled finishing her food. "Are you gonna eat your food?" She asked reaching out.

I laughed and slid the salad over to her. I just giggled and waited til lunch was over.


(After school)

I groaned as I walked up the hill which led to my apartment. "Afternoon Sarah!" My neighbor John spoke as he walked past me.

I smiled slightly and gave him a small wave. I breathed out as I reached my door step.

Beep beep a car horn rang off making me jump.

I turned around to be met face to face with Jason. "What're you doing here?" I giggled smiling at him. "I just came to see a really pretty girl." He chuckled walking up to me.

"And who may that be?" I whispered looking in his eyes as he grabbed my waist and slowly leaned in.

"You sweetheart." He chuckled lightly before kissing me deeply. I smiled in the kiss and moved my hands too his neck. I gasped lightly as his slid down and squeezed my butt.

He took that as an opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth and dominate me. I moaned and tugged on his hair gently.

I guess Jason decided to pull back before the kiss got to heated. "Damn your a really good kisser." He chuckled pecking my lips. "Now go inside and put on a pretty skirt or something, cause I'm taking you on date." He said shrugging.

"What? Where are we going?" I squeaked out, surprised he even said that.

"Its a secret now go!" He said tapping my nose. "I'll be right here waiting." I nodded and that's when I noticed he had on a very expensive suit.

"Okay!" I giggled taking out my keys and running inside.


(Jason's P.O.V) (After she's dressed)
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My foot tapped as I waited patiently for Sarah to come out. "Come on..." I mumbled looking at my watch.

The sound of footsteps cut me out my daze. I looked up to see Sarah looking so beautiful. "Damn..." I whispered licking my lips and loosening my tie. "You look absolutely stunning." I said grabbing her hand and helping her into the car.

"Thank you." She giggled sitting down and putting her seat belt on.

"You're welcome sweetheart." I said, then closed her door and got in on the drivers side.

I revved the engine up before speeding off. She giggled as I turned the music on and started to sing.

I didn't know why I was doing this. I just can't get enough of her.

(Authors Note: Okay there's chapter 4 people, hope ya liked it. Anyway byeee)

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