•10• True Love

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{Recap: "Whoah whoah whoah!" A guy dressed in all black yelled hopping in front of us. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm taking her home." Jason chuckled."You can't. Your face is all over the news along with hers. So she's gonna have too say here." He said pointing down a short corridor which I guess led to the family room. "What do you mean?" Jason asked dragging me too the living room. My heart stopped as I saw the headline.}




"Shit!" Jason hissed as the screen showed a image of us and the headline read McCannBackAtIt!.

"What do I have to do with this?" I asked looking around at the people. Everyone's eyes turned to me and Jason had a look of sorrow and remorse on his face, causing me to back away a little.

"Guys?" I mumbled as everyone eyed me. "Sarah... They think your dead, they think Jason took you." Cameron said in a soft voice causing my eyes to widen. "B-but my friends? They should know right? One of you can just drop me off at my place." I whimpered.

"Well you see, we can't really do th-" Cameron was cut off' by Jason putting his hand up to silence him.

"Baby come with me," Jason spoke in a montoned voice. I nodded and latched our fingers together as he walked me somewhere. I watched my surroundings with a hint of fear.

"Where are we going Jay?" I asked in a soft voice. "Backyard." He seethed causing me to flinch.

"Here we are." He spoke, sliding back a large glass patio do ppr and stepping out into the refreshing cool air. "Now let's talk Sarah." He said sighing looking off into space.


(Next day)

I giggled as Jason blew softly I'm my neck. "Jayjay stop I'm trying to do my hair." I laughed as he began leaving open mouth kisses which were wet and sloppy all over my neck.

"But earlier you said you wanted to play." He whined spinning me around so I was facing him. "Can I please just finish my hair." I spoke making sure to give him the 'mastered' puppy dog face. "Well what's my reward if I let you finish?" He asked tilting his head and raising an questionable eyebrow.

"We'll have to wait and see." I smirked leaning up and pecking his lips.

"Ooh I see..." He rasped before turning me back around so I news facing the mirror. "See you later sweetheart." He growled in my bear before harshly slapping my bum and walking off.

I whimpered from the stinging sensation and proceeded to do my hair.

"How should I wear it?" I asked myself. "I guess a pony tail is fine." I whispered while throwing my hair in a high messy ponytail and smiled. I quickly applied a coat of mascara (which one of the girls here lent me) and a nice sheet of clear lipgloss. Smacking my lips together, I smoothed out my shirt and decided I was officially dressed.

"Are you done yet?" I heard Jason's obviously annoyed voice call out. "Yes sir." I laughed walking out the bathroom. His eyes beemed with excitement as I walked into the bedroom.

"You look beautiful as always." He smiled causing a giggle to escape my lips and a crimson blush to rise on my cheeks. "Aww is my baby blushing." He cooed swaggering over to me and gently grabbing my waist. "Jace stop it." I whined like a 5 year old child. He seemed to ignore my plea and kept going at it. "So how about my reward now." He smirked with a devious look in his eyes.

"Mm I don't know." I winked pushing my finger into his chest. I stood on my tippie toes so my mouth was by his ear. "You'll have to earn it." I whispered causing him to let out an animalistic growl and gripped my waist.

I gasped as he crashed his lips to mine and enduldged me into a breath taking kiss. (Picture above) I whimpered when he pulled back wishing he would have kept going. "You've made a big mistake darling." He chuckled coldly before releasing me and walking around me giving my bottom a quick swat and leaving the room.

I have to watch my back.

(Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Anyway this is a short chapter I know but who cares so love you guys. Bye babes! Hope you enjoyed it)

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