•14• Taking Over

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|1 Week Later|
(Sarah's P.O.V)

It's been a week since me and Jason got into that argument. Ever since then we've been closer and more hooked to each other.

His whole demeanor has changed. He barely goes out with the guys. He always wants to cuddle and he's more possessive. Like I can't hang out with the guys or girls unless he's there. Of course it's annoying but it's absolutly adorable when he gets jealous. So h-

"Sarah!" Jason called out coming into the room. "Yes Jace?" I askedj standing up. "Come here." He chuckled his whole voice tone changing.

I stood up and walked over to him. "Yeah?" I asked tilting my head to the side in a questioning manner. "I would like you too get dressed and meet me in the garage in an hour okay?" Jason said looking down on me. "Yes sir!" I said saluting to him.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek quickly before leaving out the room.

I ran to our closet and got an outfit out, which was sexy and grown up. (Photo of the outfit at the top). I went into the bathroom and set my things down on the counter. Let's see... What to do with my hair? "Aha!" I yelled grabbing the curlers and plugging them up.

(Jason's P.O.V)

I sat on the hood of my Audi R8 waiting for Sarah to show up. Just on que the sound of heels clacking against the pavement feeled my ear.

My head shot over and I came to Sarah looking at beautiful as ever. "Damn..." I whispered walking over to her. She smirked lightly and looked up at me twirling her hair slightly.

"Hi Jayjay." She smiled goofily causing me to chuckle. She's always gonna be my babygirl. "You look beautiful Sarah." I smiled grabbing her waist and pulling her into me. Her cheeks blushed slightly and she smiled softly at me.

I just stood there staring down on her try to process the feeling I had in my chest. Of course I knew I loved her but this was different. It was stronger then love and I didn't know what it was.

"We should get going..." I said finally speaking. She nodded and stood on her tippy toes (even though she had on heels) to give me a slight kiss.

"Which car would you like to be driven in ma'am?" I asked standing up straight and looking up as if I was an butler.

A smile fell to my face as her giggles feeled the air. "The black sparkly one!" She squealed clapping and running over to the 2015 Comaro, which was black and had a shimmer to it... Which she called sparkles.

"Sure thing my love." I chuckled searching for the keys on my rack. I snatched them off and tossed them to her. "That's the car you'll be driving." I said.

"I'm driving?" She said gasping for air. I nodded and she screamed and ran over to me jumping in my arms.

"I love you so much jayjay!" She yelled happily. "I love you too baby." I cooed in her ear and spun her around quickly causing her to laugh.

A throat clearing stopped me in my tracks and Sarah's giggles got lower. "Who's she Jason?" She whispered in my ear causing me to turn around.

"Rebecca what're you doing out?" I spat slowly setting Sarah down. "They let me out since they thought you were gone." She said smirking and then turning her attention to Sarah. "And who's this bitch." Rebecca hissed looking at Sarah in complete disgust.

My heart dropped when Sarah whimpered and his behind me. Ugh she was so happy a second ago...

"This 'bitch' is my girlfriend so I advise you get your slutty ass back inside for I do something I won't be proud of." I seethed through gritted teeth. She flinched slightly stump her foot and turned around storming back inside.

I don't understand why Kevin thought she was gonna be good help to the gang. She's nothing but trouble...

"Jason..." Sarah whispered. "Yes baby?" I mumbled still staring at the door that Rebecca just went through.

"Are you ready now?" She whined tugging on my sleeve. I chuckled and nodded. "Come on." I said walking over to the car and opening the doors. "I can't believe I'm gonna drive!" She squealed, her excited demeanor coming right back.

I laughed as her little body climbed into the drivers seat of the car. "Why is this thing so tall!" She screeched finally getting in. I shrugged and closed the door running to the other side and getting in rhw passenger seat. "Now, you can drive right?" I asked raising an eyebrow. She just smirked and stuck the key in the ignition revving the vehicle up.

"If that's what you call it." She smiled clicking the button that opens the garage. I gulped and watched in fear as the garage door opened.

"Put your seat belt on." She said before slamming her foot down on the gas making the car tires screech then the car to fly forward, causing my back to raise then hit the seat harshly. I cursed myself for giving her permission to drive and instantly put my seatbelt on.

I gasped as she made a sharp right turning out into the street.

Lord please help me...

(Author's Note: There's another chapter for you everyone! It's a little longer then chapter 13! Love you guys!! Bye babes!)

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