•13• Forgiveness and Trust

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The Intro (That's love)- Chance the rapper

I walked into the house with a new mind state. I had already forgiven Jason because after talking to Ian it made me realise how much i love Jason.

"Hey Cameron." I said coming face to face with Cameron in the kitchen. He smiled sweetly at me and patted the stool next to him as if telling me to sit. I blushed and walked over taking a seat. "Hows your face doing?" He asked placing his hand on my chin and turning my head slightly so you could see the bruise Jason had left on my left eye.

"It feels alot better. Thanks for asking Cam, i appreciate it." I spoke softly. "Where's Jason?" I asked quickly getting to why i came back home.

"His room." He said with a hint of anger in his voice. I smiled and leaned over kissing his cheek gently. I mumbled a quick 'Thank You' and hopped off the seat and rushed to I and Jason's room. A frown made its way to my face as I heard a gut clenching sob coming from my Jasey's mouth. Slowly I opened the door to see Jason curled up on the floor in the far right corner of the room.

"Oh god... Jay?" I whispered and ran over to him making sure to close the door. My frown deepened as the stinch of Marijuana and a small smell of vodka filled the air.

Jason looked up at me and his eyes were red and low. "S-sarah..." He stuttered letting out another sob.

I whimpered and instantly pulled him into my arms kicking the empty bottle of liquor to the side. "It's okay Jason." I whispered in his neck running my fingers through his hair. "Do you still love me?" He asked pulling back so he could see my face.

"Yes Jay! I'll never stop loving you." I said smiling wide. He smiled also and hugged me. "I love you Jason." I giggled as he began kissing my neck all over ands slightly bouncing from excitement.

He pulled away and smiled blushing a little. "I love you." He said back making emphasis on the 'you' part.

I smiled widely and grabbed his face kissing him. "I forgive you for hitting me..." I whispered against his lips. "Thank god." He chuckled gently before picking me up and carrying me to the bed.

Let's say we had an spectacular night full of love.


(Author's Note: That was the shortest chapter ever lol anyway it was good and a little love so hope you guys like it. Love you guys bye babes)

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