•3• Good Time

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(Sarah's P.O.V)

"Jason get up." I laughed as he crawled on the ground in the crowd. "Roof! Roof!" He barked. I giggled and tried to catch him.

So at the moment he is wasted. Like completely wasted. He fell and then I guess started to crawl. "Jasonnn!" I yelled as he crawled in the middle of the dance floor barking loudly. I was laughing so hard.

"Babyyy!" He yelled rolling over onto his back. I laughed and grabbed his arm pulling him up to his feet. "Let's get you outta here big guy." I giggled dragging him outside to get some fresh air.

"Did you know dogs run faster then cats?" He slurred.

"No I didn't know that Jason." I giggled as he leaned onto me for support.

"Yeah! That's why I'm a dog and your a cat." He slurred even more pulling me into his chest by my waist.

"You're so hot." He said stroking my cheek. "I b-bet you 200 dollars you'll marry me two years from now." He said hiccuping lightly.

I laughed and got out of his grip. "Where's your car Jason?" I giggled. "I have a car!" He said excitingly. I shook my head and sighed. He does not need to drink.

"Babyyyyy." He whined reaching out for me.

"I'm not your baby." I giggled looking around. "Ugh Jason! Where's your car." I yelled. "I'll have you screaming my name every night baby, no need to practice." He said seductively.

I groaned and went up to him checking his pockets. Aha! I grabbed the keys out his pocket and he jumped chuckling a little. I clicked the lanic button and heard a loud horn noise coming from the other side of the street.

I walked over to the side walk and panic again and the lights started flashing to a Range Rover which was all black.

"Come on Jason." I said grabbing his hand and dragging hi, across the street to the car.

I unlocked the doors and opened the back door pushing him inside. I laughed as he pouted and crossed his arms like a baby as I got into the front.

"Where do you live?" I asked putting the car in reverse and backing out then quickly switching the gears to drive.

"Uhmmmmmmm" He said sitting up. "A house." He spat then started laughing uncontrollably. I giggled and opened the glove compartment and shuffled around in there. I flinched when I felt a cold piece of metal rest on my hand. I picked up the slightly heavy object and pulled it out.

"Don't play with that." Jason whined. I looked at him before nodding slightly and putting it back. "Let me see your wallet." I said breaking at a red light.

"Here." He said digging in his pockets and passing me a black wallet. "Don't rob me." He mumbled before falling asleep. I giggled and grabbed his I.d looking at the address and nodded.

(At Jasons house)

I yawned as I stripped from my heels and crawled in the bed with Jason. "Night Jason." I whispered pulling some of the cover over me.

"Good night Sarah." His deep raspy voice spoke causing me to smile softly.

"I had fun..." I whispered half sleep. I was caught by surprise when I felt his arms wrap around my waist and bring into his chest, spooning me.

"Maybe we could have more fun some day." He whispered as my eyes slowly fluttered shut and I was swallowed into a deep sleep.

(Jason's P.O.V) (Next Morning)
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I groaned as a ray of sunlight beamed through my window directly onto my face.

"Morning Jay." A soft voice giggled poking me. I rose an eyebrow and liftes my head slightly turning it to the right.

"Sarah, right?" I asked licking my lips slightly. "Yeah, I drove you home last night you were pretty wasted." She giggled and blushed looking at the time.

"Thanks." I chuckled sitting up and stretching. "Is that clock right?" She asked her eyes widened. "Yeah, why?" I asked throwing my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up.

"Im late!" She squeaked jumping up and grabbing her clutch and her shoes. "Do you think you could drive me home really quick?" She asked looking at me with pleading eyes. I chuckled and mumbled sure going to my closet and grabbing a pair of sweats and a t shirt. Quickly switching out my clothes i slipped on a pair of black supras.

"Alright come on." I said grabbing a snap back and slipping it on top of my messy hair.

"Do you know where Dorado plaza is?" She asked putting her heels on and looking at me. "Yeah!" I said nodding. "That's where I live." She breathed out before making a dash for it to the stairs. My 'mouth gaped open as she ran down the stairs in the 6 to 5 inch heels.

"Hurry up!" She squeaked snapping me out of my day dream. I jogged down the stairs and over to my rack of keys.

"Why so many keys?" She asked taking her phone out of her little purse.

"All my different cars" I said grabbing her hand and walking her too the back door.

She gasped as she came in contact with all the different cars I had.

"Which one are you driving?" She asked looking around shocked. "The white Lamborghini." I said dragging her over to it and opening the doors.

"Get in!" I said starting up the engine.

(At Sarah's house)

I pulled up at the apartment complex and put the car in park. "Thanks a lot for driving me here." She giggled looking at me.

"No problem beautiful." I chuckled causing her to blush and look down. "Well see you later." She said opening the door.

"Wait!" I said stopping her. She rose an eyebrow and sat back down. I leaned over the seats and cupped her cheek kissing her gently. She moaned a little and smiled in the small kiss.

"Maybe we could spend some more time together..." I whispered against her soft lips before pulling away.

"Yeah maybe." She giggled before getting out the car and running up to the doors. I smiled to myself before speeding off.

(Authors Note: There goes chapter 3 people! I have big hopes for this story! Like honestly this is gonna be my main priority for now on. So I hope you like it just comment if you have any ideas. Love you guys, bye)

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