•21• Dreadful Discussions

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(Sarah's P.O.V)
I woke up to a constant beeping noise. "Shut up." I groaned swinging my arm around. Slowly I opened my eyes, but I instantly closed them back. The light was so bright and blinding, and the noise wouldn't stop.

Once again I tried to open my eyes, and I succeeded.

"Where am I?" I whispered looking around. "The hospital." A voice rasped out causing me to jump and scream.

My head shot in the direction of the voice. "Jason?" I mumbled whimpering slightly and backing away. "Shut the fuck up and listen to me." He growled which made me instantly obey.

"Now when the cops come in here and ask you what happened, say you were robbed, got it?" He ordered. "Yes sir." I whispered.

"Good girl." Jason whispered while smirking. "Think your to sore for a quick go round." He winked. "Jason we're in a hospital." I whimpered as he grabbed my waist yanking me towards him.

I tried to keep the pain in but the more I tried the louder I winced. "Press the emergency button, when they come in say you have to use the bathroom." He mumbled before sitting back down.

I did what he said and watched as he waited patiently for the doctor.

"Why were you crying and telling me you love when I blanked out just to treat me like this now that I've woken up?" I whispered.

"Because I can." Jason hissed but then straightened up as a male doctor entered the room. "Did you call for emergency?" He said smoothly.

"Yes I have to use the restroom." I smiled softly. "Oh ma'am there's one in your room, but if you'd like to go somewhere else I can make that happen." I looked at Jason and watched him mouth here. "Here is fine." I mumbled, crying on the inside.

He nodded and began undoing wires. "Sir do you mind helping her there I have to get to a patient." The doctor said helping me stand up.

"No problem." Jason said while standing up and coming over to me. Then I noticed something.

"What the fuck is wrong with your face." I whispered noticing his cheek bones were way more chiseled and his eyes were blue and his hair was dark black.

"Wig, contacts, and makeup." Was all he said before I was shoved in the bathroom.

Here we go again....

(Unknown's P.O.V)

"Excuse me ma'am I'm here to pay a visit to Sarah Russo." I said speaking in a soft tone.

"Sorry sir theirs no one here under the last name of Russo. We have a Sarah McCann, a Sarah Euro, and a Sarah Nichols." She said calmly and sweet. I smirked and eyed her up and down causing her to blush and giggle.

"What's McCann's room number sweet heart." I asked licking my lips.

"329 B on the 2nd floor." She smiled watching my every move. "All I need is your name and signature." "My name is Cameron Dallas." I said then a voice made me freeze.

"Cameron, my man! How'd you find me." I looked over to see Jason just in a disguise.


(Author's Note: Damn Jason's own friend is trying to destroy him. I wonder why... Anyway love you guys! Byeee)

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