Chapter 16

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[A few hours earlier]

America was currently hiding in the closet, ironic isn't it, but not because of what you think.

A teenage girl had come into the house, which freaked him out so he hid in a closet that was below the stairs, it was dusty and dirty but it just had random stuff like extra bags of dog food and water. 

He didn't think the girl was an intruder, in fact, Amara was quite fund and happy to see the girl, didn't make him jealous one bit. He figured that the girl was a dog walker due to her telling Amara "Are you ready for your walk" in a cute baby tone while hugging the large dog. 

Now that's something he didn't expect, Amara, letting people hug her, wow. Maybe it's just him.

Maybe he's the problem. 

When the two girls left for their walk, he left the closet, grabbed his phone, and went back. He didn't know when they'd be coming back so he didn't want to risk anything. 

Maybe he should go upstairs instead? Nah that'd be going into Russia's privacy, It's best if he waited. 

So he waited a while, and waited, and waited.

Till the girls finally came back, she told Amara to sit and wait as she grabbed something from the table by the door and went to the kitchen. He couldn't see well from the small crack of the door but he saw she was cleaning her paws.

The girl then got a brush and started combing Amara's fur, he saw how Akim came up to the girl as well and rubbed himself on her. She petted him and started brushing him afterwards with a different brush. Damn these animals are spoiled.

The girl headed back to the kitchen and after 10 minutes he heard both Amara and Akim eating. 

"You guys done eating? alright see you tomorrow you two" He heard the girl say out loud and left the house. 

He let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding and left his hiding spot. He went to the door checking to see if it was actually locked. 

He looked over at the two pets and saw how they were licking their lips as they were done eating. The cat went over to him and rubbed himself on his leg meowing. 

He really liked this cat but looking up at Amara, she was staring daggers at him. He didn't know why she hated him so much. He slowly sat down on the floor, careful if Amara was going to attack him. 

He sat down criss-cross apple sauce and relaxed his breathing to show Amara he wasn't scared of her. He wanted Amara to smell him and get to know him better, he didn't want to be cautious of a dog he knows he'll be living with. 

He saw how Amara walked closer to America and smelled him from afar. She growled but America showed no fear, he didn't try making eye contact with her but still sat there.

Seeing how her growling didn't work she got closer and started smelling America more. 

It kinda tickled his exposed skin feeling how her wet cold nose somethings pressed or hovered over it, but he stood still looking at the large dog. He showed his hand to her so she could smell it and see if he could pet her. 

She smelled it and started licking it, he was shocked but then remembered he had eaten earlier so his hands must taste like food. Not a great thought though.

He took his chances and slowly lifted his hand to pet her head, she kinda flinched but in the end let him pet her soft fur for about a minute before leaving him to lay on the couch. 

He smiles a little seeing that they had at least made some progress. 

Now he only needed to wait for Russia to tell him about it.

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