19. Stardust

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Since i havent updated in a while, I'll remind yall what happened last chapter:

America woke Russia up in the middle of the night and took him to a place to try and regain his trust

Russia was expecting many things.

But the forest wasn't one of them.

"Why are we here again?" Russia said rubbing his eyes to see if he was still sleeping or not.

America laughed and started walking towards the forest, he had parked his motorcycle in the grass next to the street.

"Cause this is where we first started to cool down next to each other! Don't tell me you forgot" He teased.

Russia cringed a bit, still not very used to America's raspy voice. He was glad his back was facing the street light because it made a shadow over his face so America wouldn't see him cringe.

He started following the stripped country.

"Come on Rus! I gave you my word! Now that I'm back I want to go see some places that used to be secret to me so I want to show you as well to show that I trust you" America smiled.

Russia didn't say anything but was obvious that he was listening. I mean who couldn't pay attention to what the loud American was saying, even if it wasn't as loud as it used to be.

They walked a mile or two into the forest until Russia started to feel uneasy.

"Are we almost there?" He said looking around, he couldn't really see anything.

The forest was grown thicker and thicker over the years so many have stopped coming here, including Russia. There were areas that you could camp in but those have paths leading to them, where they were walking didn't.

"Don't worry! I know my way, always." America said.

Russia could practically hear the confident smile in his voice. Right now America reminded him of one of those boys Canada used to talk about, look boys? Scouting buds? Scout... Boy Scouts!

Russia mentally laughed at his little monolingual mess up.

A few more minutes and they reached a clearing with large rocks on top of each other, moss and other plants growing on them.

The moon shone on the rocks, the place had a vibe to it that Russia couldn't quite place.

"Canada and I used to play around here when we were little, Aussie and Kiwi would also come but they had their own place. Come" America smiled walking towards the rocks.

Russia followed, never seeing this clearing before. He was sure someone would've found a clearing like this and have a party like how they used to do in high school.

America climbed the rocks like second nature to him and sat on the very top, he looked down at Russia and patted the spot next to him.

The Russian climbed with much more caution, not trusting the little cracks in between the rocks in case any snakes or smaller animals decided to make a home in them.

As he made it to the top next to America he looked up at the sky. The air quality wasn't great due to the city being nearby but it was far better than looking up IN the city.

He could make out the closer constellations, he could see the Proxima Centauri: the closest start to earth after the sun.

He always enjoyed stargazing, always so relaxing. He didn't know why, maybe cause he was the biggest of the country human or maybe because of the number of problems his shoulders carry, but he enjoyed feeling so small looking up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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