18. The Idea

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A day had passed and night had fallen for the two countries. 

America was currently laying on the couch looking up at the ceiling, thinking.

What might he be thinking you may ask? Well about how he was going to prove to Russia how he was going to stay for good. 

To be honest, he just said that to make Russia give him a chance. He didn't know how he was going to accomplish that unspoken promise, but he was determined to do it. So he went deep into his mind to find a way. 

He knew he can't regain Russia's trust overnight, trust takes time, it'll probably take months before or years for him and Russia to have a relationship like they did before he left. 

He has decided on a few things to do though; first, he'd be open with any question he'd have unless extremely personal, second, he'd respect Russia's boundaries, and finally... yea he doesn't fully know yet. But at least those first two seem like a promising start!

He looked out the window seeing the bright moon make the metal of Amara's cage shine. Russia had a nice pine tree outside his home that reminded him of the forest. 

Wait a minute.

The forest! 

Of course!

That was the first time they actually got along!

God that was a lifetime ago, small details of the memory were blurry but it was still there.

He turned on his phone to check the time, 00:29 (12:29 am) 

The night is still young, Russia wouldn't mind if they went on a little adventure at this time.

So with that thought, he got up and slowly made his way upstairs. He's never been upstairs to respect Russia's privacy but he needed to see him. There was a door at the end of the hall that had a small cat door so that was 99% Russia's room, he tip-toed his way there and slowly opened the door.

He froze when he saw a figure sitting up on the bed with a gun pointing at the door, eyes staring deep into his soul as he made eye contact with them. "Do you always have a weapon with you?" He asked to let Russia know it was him.

He heard a click which indicated the safety lock was on the gun as Russia put it down seeing it was just America. "да" 

America's eyes widened hearing the thick Russian accent come out of Russia, he definitely just woke him up so he technically had a morning voice. He felt a warm feeling in his cheeks that he was well too familiar, he everted his eyes to the window. "Um I just wanted to show you something so do you mind if we go out a bit?" He asked.

"I have work tomorrow"

"I'll pay for lunch or dinner tomorrow" America quickly added.

Silence, then bed sheets rustling were heard which gave America a smile. He saw Russia's silhouette get up and turn on the lamp next to his bed. 

Russia was shirtless, if god was real lord take America now. He quickly backed up from the door and started making his way downstairs with blood rushing to his cheeks and a warm feeling in his chest.

'Pull yourself together Ame, you got over your crush!' he kept telling himself in his head. 

Honestly, he did get over his crush on Russia, which reminded him of another problem. No one except Japan and Germany knew he was gay, well actually no one. Before he left he was considered Bi, but now he knew he was fully gay. 

God, well maybe it won't be that hard. He left for 4 years so maybe coming out wouldn't be that hard. But still, the anxiety of those years ago came creeping back up. 

What if they don't accept him? Hi! Your friend/Family has come back and guess what! They're gay! Are you going to hug me or push me away even after my disappearance? 

'Very interesting question and scenario brain' 

Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs, thankfully getting America out of his head. 

"What do you want to show me?" Russia said coming to full view with a hoodie and basketball shorts rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

America walked to the door and grabbed his keys, "Come, ill show you" He smiled.

Russia seemed to fully without a second thought, maybe the sleep was making him not second think things. Good for America then.

But that came to stop once America turned on his motorcycle. 

"Wait, we're going on your bike?" Russia said with more tone in his voice.

"Uh yea," He said grabbing a helmet from behind the bike.

"I thought you grabbed my car keys, not your motorcycle's," Said with anxiety in his voice.

"What's the fuss about? You went on my motorcycle before" He smirked seeing the nervous Russian.

"Yea but, weren't you just sleeping? You might crash" He took a step forward grabbing the helmet that America extended him to.

"Actually I wasn't sleeping, I was thinking. Now come on and stop being a big baby" He grabbed another helmet putting it on, and backing away from the drive-in.

With a sigh, Russia walked towards the bike and got on. Awkwardly not knowing where to hold onto but slowly put his arms around America's chest.

This gave America chills, god the way his arms tensed caused the muscles to become more visible and pointed out. Russia was very muscly, why was he acting so weird about this???


'For an atheist, I've really been calling Jesus a lot' Thought the stripped country before starting his bike.

Feeling the wind fly across his body almost distracts him by the way Russia is holding him. Keyword: Almost. 

He tries not to think too much about it but obviously every time he makes a curve Russia holds tighter which makes him blush and rethink the situation all over again. 

The good thing is that the forest is far away, not in motorcycle rules it isn't.

In the daytime, he'd probably follow the law, but at night when you only see 3 - 4 cars pass by the law is quickly forgotten. 

Fun and adrenaline take over the law.

What America didn't know was that he wasn't the only one enjoying this. 

Russia would've taken the helmet off if he could, he wanted to feel the wind blow on his face. 

The adrenaline and speed that he's getting remind him of the times he went on snowmobiles with his siblings up in the mountains of winter days. 

He hadn't had the time to take any vacations with his siblings or friends in what felt like years.

A small smile appeared on his face enjoying the memories that the wind brought. 

He wondered where America was taking him too, he was a bit suspicious and hesitant about it but he wanted to give him a chance just to see if he actually meant what he said.


Hurray, I updated!

Also i finished school so yayy.

Anyways i decided to start naming the chapters cause yes.

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