Chapter 9

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4 years later







A certain tall Russian man was walking down the streets of the city while the bright moon was shining down on him.

He walked slowly not seeing the rush in going to his local bar.

Ever since 3 years ago, the bar became his best friend, seeing alcohol as his escape from the world like it did when he was a teenager. Call it relapsing, but to him, it was just a normal adult thing to do now. 

Everyone in the bar knew who he was, if there was someone new the other regulars would always fill them in on who he was. He didn't really pay attention to the other regulars or anything. The only one who he knew was Ireland and one of the Mexican triplets that work as bartenders at the bar. 

He sighed as he saw the flashing sign's outside the bar. It was a glowing Neon Red, blue and yellow sign with the words 'Friend's and Drinks' as well as a mini one saying 'OPEN'

As he got closer the volume of people talking and having fun increased. He could also smell the vomit in one of the alleyways which many people call the vomit alley. 

He entered the bar, people either waved at him, stopped their conversation's to say hi, or give him a slight smile to acknowledge his existence. It kinda made him smile inside since he was the outcast in his school years so now that he was being acknowledged showed how times can change. Though, he shouldn't be happy he was being mostly acknowledge at a bar of all places. 

As he was walking to his favorite seat of the whole place he saw someone was already sitting there. He growled making the people around him look at him weird before noticing someone was sitting in his seat. Which made fear and excitement replace their faces, waiting to see what Russia was going to do. 

The last time someone sat in his seat and refused to give it up didn't end so well. Let's just say they made a visit to the vomit alley.

Russia took a deep breath in and exhaled. He walked up to the mystery person and placed a hand on their shoulder, making the person jump up in surprise but they didn't look back to see who had touched them.

"My seat" Russia said in a cold intimidating voice. He really didn't feel like having a fight with anyone today, especially over a seat. But it was HIS special seat we're talking about. 

The person didn't look up or say anything, they stayed quiet for 30 seconds before standing up and bringing their drink to another seat of the bar.

Russia smiled relieved and sat down in his seat. At least that person warmed it up for him. 

"Russia! Como estas amigo?" North Mexico asks one of the Mexican triplets. He helps Ireland run the bar and is an extra bodyguard if anything extreme were to happen. He's the strongest out of his 2 siblings but the dumbest. 

"ok, vodka por favor" Russia practiced his Spanish which made North smile, even if he had a huge accent in his Spanish. 

"Wow wey your Spanish is getting fabuloso!" He said getting a vodka bottle and giving it to Russia. Russia had asked the Mexican triplets to help him better his Spanish since he was a good friend with them, so North would just drop off easy Spanish words in his sentences to get Russia to familiarise with them. 

Russia popped off the cap and drank a gulp. He sighed relaxing after a long day.

"Día fuerte?" (Ruff day?) North asked wiping a wine glass with the cloth that he has on his shoulder before. 

Russia nodded. After University Russia started working for an office company that focused on finance, in fact, North's brother worked with him; Central Mexico. But today was a stressful day. Their boss forgot to tell them a deadline and they had to hurry to work on all the documents before the end of the week, bad leadership on their boss's part but at least he promised free drinks at the end of the week. 

As he drank more of his vodka he looked over at the guy who was sitting in his seat before. He must've been a new guy for him not to know he was sitting in Russia's seat. 

This mystery guy was hearing a black hoodie with a hat that covered his face. Definitely a new guy, Russia has never seen anyone like him in the city, maybe they recently moved.

"North" Russia called on his friend which looked over at him, "Sí?" North answered.

Russia tilted his way to the mystery guy without having his eyes land on him. "Who's that?" 

North looked over at the mystery guy and went back to cleaning more glass cups getting closer to Russia. "To be honest, I have no clue." The Mexican whispered. 

"They've been coming here every day for the past 2 weeks, Ireland and I think he's mute since he speaks in sign language. Even in SSL" He kept whispering in a more serious tone.

Now Russia was intrigued, Ireland and North always met their costumes, especially if they come regularly so for them to not now this mystery person was new. 

He saw Ireland go up to the guy and saw how the guy started signing to Ireland before placing some money on the bar table and heading out. Ireland seemed surprised grabbing the money and looked between the money and Russia before walking up to North and him. 

"He just paid for your vodka" Ireland stated before heading to the cash register.

Russia's and North's eyes widened looking at each other, North then smirked: "Looks like someone Tiene un amado" (has a lover) He teased before walking away to help another customer. 

Russia was still surprised and looked down at his vodka, oh he would need a few more than just one. 


The next 2 days Russia heads back to the bar to get another drink.

Memories of last time filled in and he started to wonder if the mystery guy was still there. Probably not, Hopefully not. 

He reached the bar and said hi to a few people before sitting in his seat. 

"Russia! what would you like today?" Ireland asked with his best smile. Ireland was always happy to see people become regulars at his bar, well not always since he didn't want them to have alcohol as their coping mechanism but it honored him that they picked his bar over all the other ones in the city. 

"Mmm ill have a few shots of tequila today" He answered yawning a bit. 

Ireland nodded quickly getting 3 shot glasses and went to find the good tequila that Russia liked. 

As he waited for his drinks, Russia looked around and noticed the mystery guy at the corner of the bar drinking what seemed to be some beer. He still couldn't see his face, just his lips as he drank the beer. 

Ireland placing the 3 shot glasses down and start filling them up brought Russia back to what he was here for. He thanked Ireland and started taking his shots which he himself started filling up once again.

After a few more shots he asked Ireland for water which he gladly gave him. He felt someone looking at him, he hoped it wasn't who he thought it was but he was wrong. 

In the corner of his eye, he saw the mystery guy walk to the bar table, place some money down and walk out without saying a word again. North went to get the money and saw a small note on it, he smirked walking towards Russia. 

"Guess who paid for your drink again~," He said playfully walking to the cash register. 

Ireland smiled as Russia rolled his eyes drinking his water.

He hoped this was just a 2-time thing. 

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