Chapter 17

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Haha did yall think id continue? Ha jokes on u







Jk jk here yall go






The next morning, America went up to Russia before he left for work.

He apologized for what he had said earlier that night.

Russia just stared at him for a good 5 minutes before apologizing for throwing the knife and left. 

America just stared at the door dumbfounded but sighed and carried on with his day.


2 weeks had passed.

2 weeks of barely talking with each other since the incident.

Well, it was mostly Russia who wouldnt talk, America would try to start a conversation but Russia would shut it down or just give dry answers. 

It frustrated America but he didn't dare try to vibrate the spider web again. 

At least for the past 2 weeks, he has been having a better friendship with Amara. She would ask America for food when he'd eat and even lay down near him to take her daily morning and afternoon naps.

The girl he saw 2 weeks ago was actually a dog sitter but she liked Amara so much that she wanted to be a dog walker for her. She also lived a few houses away so Russia didn't mind, he did tell him that every time she comes that he should hide so she doesn't get any ideas or recognizes him. Apparently it was a big deal in the city when he disappeared 4 years ago. 

At the moment America had made Russia a nice sandwich for when he'd come home from work. He noticed how he'd come home tired and mentally drained, he just ate yogurt and headed upstairs.

He heard the door open and he smiled, he drank some water and waited for Russia to come to the kitchen. Once he did he smiled wider "Russia! I made you a sandwic- oh.." 

He saw Russia holding a brown bag which he assumed had food in it. 

"You made me a what?" He asked.

It took America some time to process what he said, "Oh uh" He didn't know what to say, should he just say some bullshit and let Russia eat the food he bought or tell him about his sandwich. 

"I made a sandwich... look how pretty it looks!" He showed the sandwich, it was colorful with tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, eggs, and sauce. 

Russia nodded acknowledging America's cooking and set the bag down. "Ok good I only brought food for one" 

America read the bag, it was a Hispanic restaurant which he noticed Russia bought a lot from. He figured it was Mexican, he thought Russia couldn't take spicy food.

"That must be a new restaurant, never heard of it" America commented taking a bite of the now his sandwich.

"Yea, South Mexico opened her own restaurant and now I go there at least once a month to support her." The Russian took out the stuff inside, it was a soup which he recognized was called 'Caldo de Pollo' 

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