Chapter 1

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"Come on America! Let's take a picture!" Said France smiling widely and proudly at her son.

"Ok mom." he said with a small smile.

France smiled pushing America's siblings towards him and UK as she held the camera to take a picture.

"France let me take the picture, let's make it a whole family picture." said UN from behind France, which startled her but soon gave the phone to UN with a smile walking towards her family.

"Say cheese!"

"CHEESEEEEEEEE." Said the whole family at the same time.

As UN took about 3 pictures he handed the phone to France once again, smiling at the countries and walking off to greet or talk to other countries.

"Im so glad you graduated Ame, now we just have to wait for Australia and New Zealand." Canada said looking at his siblings with a smile.

"Well we still have 2 or 3 years left so you'll have to wait." said New Zealand annoyed. He just wanted to get school over.

"Yeah but hey, at least we still get to be close to our friends." Australia said happily.

"Whattt, me and Canada still see our friends! We basically have the same friend group" America said jokenly offended which caused his siblings to giggle.

America had recently graduated College. Though he didn't want to go to college at all, his father made him. He didn't mind or fight back a lot since his friend group where all going to the same college.

Even though Canada is a few months younger than America, Canada graduated a year ahead of America because he was smarter and skipped a grade like the good and favorite child that he is. But America knew that Canada has his rebel not so innocent child side that his parents didn't know about, America really enjoyed that side of his brother but didn't admit it since who admits something that they like about their sibling to their own sibling? Thats just weird.

And yes, you heard right. Canada is a few months younger than USA. And the reason for that is because they have the same father but different mothers. They all did, they where all just half siblings but still saw each other as full blood siblings because they where together since the beginning.

However, France was the motherly figure to all of them because she basically raised them as her own. Canada is the only one who's related to France by blood. Even if the family was all over the place, they all still loved each other and saw themselves as a whole family.

Though they did have their fights about it. 

"Yo America!" said a voice from the distance. America looked back and saw who the voice came from.

It came from Poland. He and the rest of the friend group were looking at him waiting for his family time to finish so they can all hang out.

"Give me a few more seconds guys ill be right over!" said America with a small smile and looked back at his family.

France was smiling and hugged him "Its ok chérie, go hang with your friends. I think its time for me and your Father to start going. Canada will you also be hanging out with them?" She said looking towards the Canadian which he nodded.

She smiled once again, you can tell she was proud and happy of her two oldest boys. "Alright then we'll be on our way." She went off to hug Canada and her other two children.

UK patted the back of America with a small smile. "Good job son. Remember you can always do better though."

America rolled his eyes, he hated when his father pretended to be proud but just tell him he could do better like he isn't proud at all. "yeah yeah, I know."

UK smiled, he took 200 dollars from his pocket and handed it to his eldest son. "Here. Take this as a good job gift for you to hang out and have fun with your friends. You deserve it."

Though America didn't like that his dad would fake being proud. He did enjoy the presents he would get, he knew UK gave these rewards to him so he can still do better for a next time, which he didn't care at all and took advantage of the situation.

"Thanks dad" America said with a fake smile and shook his dad's hand.

UK didn't hug or kiss goodbye like France did. He just shook his hands with the person and calls it a day. Even to his own children. Cold, but not surprising if you knew UK for a long time.

Soon the four siblings saw their parents' car leave, they all said their goodbyes and headed to their own destinations.

As America and Canada got closer to their friend group, America started to think of all of them. They've been together since high school, of course a few have known America since middle school but they all came together in the middle of high school. If there was a party, it was for sure that they'll all go if not a few would be stuck doing whatever they need to do while the rest go party.

And to think they've all stuck together through all these years even with their differences and struggles.

He wouldn't trade them with anything in the world, but he sadly knew that by tomorrow.

He wont see them for whatever time he'll be gone. 

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