Chapter 2

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As America and Canada got in the circle of friends, they all started talking about the graduation and started giving out congratulations to the graduates which were America, Russia, Germany and Japan. The rest either graduated the year before or still had a year left. The group consisted of America, Canada, Russia, Germany, Poland, Japan and South Korea; though sometimes there would be a few more people, those were the main 7.

"Well what should we do later?" Said Japan looking at the group.

"How about we go party or go to a club?" suggested Russia taking off his graduation hat and replacing it to his ushanka.

"ooo yes, UK gave me 200 dollars to spend with you guys. I think we should dedicate this night not only to us graduates, but to Germany since he's basically the only reason I passed" America said laughing as the group started to laugh as well.

"So basically free drinks for meeeeee, count me in" Germany said.

The group laughed once more.

"Alright so let's meet at the park at 7 and head on to party" Said Poland flapping his wings in excitement.

The group agreed as they started saying their goodbyes and heading to their cars.

"Hey want me to give you a ride?" asked Canada to his brother. America thought about it, he needed to head to his father's house even though he already saw him, he needed to give him something. "Sure, but could you drop me off at dad's?"

"dad's? why? you just saw him" Canada said as they started walking to his car with America.

"yeah i know" America said getting in the front seat. He looked underneath the seat and took out a box and a letter. "I need to give him this" Canada remembered the box since he was the one to pick up America for his graduation and had asked America what the box was for, America told him he needed to give it to UK.

Canada got in the car and turned it on. "Alright, do you want me to wait for you when we get there?"

America smiled and shook his head. "No it's ok, i don't live that far away from them."

Canada looked at his brother as he started driving. "I hope you don't think you're being a burden to me cause you're not"

America rolled his eyes, even though Canada was correct, he still didn't like how he just read his mind. "yeah yeah don't worry."

Soon they got on the highway and America was looking out the window. He was thinking about his decisions and his graduation, he was kinda proud of himself but at the same time he knew he could've worked harder like his father had said.

He started to overthink on his situation and what others would think when he's gone.

Ever since America's country has been starting to collapse, he started to fall into a hole of depression, every month, week and day the hole has been getting deeper and deeper.

No, he wasn't going to kill himself like many would think. He was going to start the journey of seeking help. He was tired of feeling this way, he doesn't want to feel tired, sad, depressed, a disappointment anymore. He wanted to be happy. Of course you can't be happy forever but you can't be feeling like this forever either.

"Hey, you ok?"

America's thoughts were broken by his brother's voice. He looked over at Canada and saw his concerned face look at him and the road. He didn't want to worry Canada anymore, he wanted to show Canada that he didn't need him to look over him like a baby.

He sighed "yes Canada."

"You sure? You can tell me anything" Canada said with concern

"Yes bro, thanks for asking" America said with a fake smile which sold the conversation away.

He understood why his brother was concerned, everyone in his family and friend group knew he had depression. He knew they all cared for him but it sometimes felt like they didn't care about him and pretended to be with him so he wont kill himself or something.

But a there's a few people who he knows that they really do care and wouldn't be by his side like the rest, as mean as it sounds. Germany, Poland and Russia have all gone through depression and understood what America was dealing with.

Though Russia still has depression, it's been slowly decreasing and getting better. He tries helping America in any healthy way he can.

Which he really appreciates.

America realizes they've arrived at UK's house. He grabs his stuff and looks at Canada with a small smile "thanks bro, see you at 7"

Canada smiled as well and waved "alright bye bro"

America got out of the car and went to his parents door knocking on it with his free hand.

France, like always, opened the door. A bit surprised to see her newly graduated son but accepted it since it really shouldn't be a surprise to her by now.

"America, do you need anything?" France said kindly, stepping out the way to let her son in.

"Uh yeah I just need to hand these to UK and I'll be on my way" He said stepping in and walking to his dad's office.

France nodded "alright, I'm making cookies. Would you like the spoon?"

America smiled widely "and the bowl if it isn't a problem"

France giggled and nodded heading towards the kitchen.

America went to his father's office and knocked. He heard a come in and opened the door, he saw his father writing something on the computer.

UK looked up and was confused to see America. "Uh last time i checked, you were the first to move out"

America chuckled. "i wanted to give you something in private." He handed out the box and letter to UK

UK turned his chair towards America and grabbed the stuff looking at it.

"What is this?"

"I want you to read the letter and open the box whenever you think of me. You can open it tomorrow when you wake up or the afternoon or in a week, just do it whenever you really think of me. So don't open or read it right now, wait till at least tomorrow." America said with a small sad smile that UK did not see since he was busy inspecting the box and letter.

UK was sorta weirded out, America rarely gave him gifts. He checked the date on the computer, it wasn't April fools day... it wasn't his birthday either...

"America if this is a new day for pranks i swear i will-" UK was interrupted by America.

"Don't worry, it isn't, it's actually something important. I'd recommend opening the box first though"

America looked at UK, god he was gonna miss messing with this grandpa clock. Probably even missed his lectures, but he had to do what he had to do. America then extended his hand to say goodbye which UK hesitantly took.

America soon walked towards the door. He looked back as he opened it, "hey dad, i uh" he looked at the ground "i.... love you" he said very low but loud enough for his father to hear.

UK was shocked to hear that. He hasn't heard the L word from his eldest son since the beginning of high school year. Ok something very bad and weird was in that box. Was it a bomb? Snakes? Cockroaches? Destroyed tea bags?? Yeah, he wasn't going to open that box until he felt safe. UK looked up to see his son to ask him more questions but saw that he'd already left.

"I uh lO-ve yOu toO?" He said in a low hush tone looking at the door.


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