[01] Arrival

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[Kokushibou Pov][2:37 A

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[Kokushibou Pov]
[2:37 A.M.]

My head hurt. Like it was hit with a boulder. I felt pain through my whole body; it was strange. I must just have a wound, but if so, it shouldn't hurt. It should be healed.
I slowly opened my eyes. The place I was in was unfamiliar. I wasn't here moments ago.

This place looked like a normal alley in Asakusa at night, but unlike the alleys in Asakusa, there was barely any light here. I looked up at the sky. It was night; thank god. The moon was barely visible from the tall buildings.

Something felt off.

It was very off.

I slowly brought my hand up to feel my upper pair of eyes to feel that, they weren't there. I was dumbfounded for a moment. What had happened while I was unconscious. Am I human once again?
No, it's impossible. No one can become human once again after becoming a demon; it just wasn't possible. No demon was ever able to become human once again.

I heard shuffling from my right. It was a little distant, maybe a few feet away from me? I quickly sat up, turning my head to be right. I could see something on the ground, just barely visible to me. I squinted, trying to get a closer look; when more pain shot through my eyes, forehead, and cheekbones. I shut my eyes tight and lifted a hand to my forehead, then to my cheekbones. My other two pairs of eyes were back. It answered my question, I was still a demon, but I assume I could hide my other pairs of eyes now.

I turned my attention back to the shuffling. I could see more thanks to my other eyes. The thing on the ground turned out to be two people; very young people. They were around the ages of 10-15. I recognized them. It was those two siblings I was fighting.

Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado.

So, I wasn't the only one here, in this strange place. I swiftly got up and slowly walked closer to them. Closer and closer until I was just a few centimeters away from them. I crouched down, examining them. They're alive, they're unconscious still, and they have a few bruises on them. The girl was healing nicely (since she was a demon), while the boy wasn't healing at all. Typical of a human.

I stopped looking at them and turned my head to face the moon.

'I could kill them right now,' I thought. 'I could kill them and be done with this mission.'
I turned to look at the siblings' faces. I slowly unsheathed my sword. I took a deep breath.

Moon Breathing: First Form: Evening Palace.

I swiftly brought my sword down, ready to slit their throats and kill them; but, that's when something stopped me, just a few centimeters away from their throats. When I looked at them again, I didn't see Tanjiro or Nezuko but, I saw them as Yoriichi and Uta. Just as children.

I remember, sometime before my demon transformation, Yoriichi and I were reunited at the Demon Slayer headquarters. I remember it like it was yesterday. He invited me to his home. That was when I met Uta, Yoriichi's wife. They asked me to stay for dinner which I did. The two gave me permission to explore the house; that was when I saw a painting of them as children.

My hand trembled. I sheathed my sword and lowered my head. I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill these children. I heard a groan. I look up to see Tanjiro slowly waking up. I rested my hand on his forehead. This was a strange situation.

[Tanjiro Pov]
[2:54 A.M.]

I was in so much pain. It hurt so much. I felt exhausted even though I was unconscious for who knows how long and had plenty of time to rest. I groaned, opening my eyes bit by bit. Someone's hand was suddenly placed on my forehead. It felt comforting but, it could be an enemy! I snapped my eyes open, only to shut them due to the immense amount of pain that shot through my head.

I tried to open my eyes again, steadily this time to not hurt myself again. I look to my left to see someone hovering above me. Their six eyes looked directly into my eyes. My eyes widened to the size of the plate when I recognized the person. It was the Upper Moon 1, Kokushibou. The demon that my little sister and I were fighting before I was unconscious.


My sister.


I looked behind the Upper Moon, trying to find Nezuko. I snapped my head to my right, ignoring the pain. I sighed and gripped her hand tight when I saw her unconscious next to me. I turned my attention back to the Upper Moon.

"What're you doing here?" I asked him sternly. He continued looking at me before looking at his surroundings. The demon looked at me again before answering,

"What do you last remember?"

"Why is that relevant?" I retorted.

"Look around. This place doesn't look familiar. Nothing does," he calmly explained.

I looked around. He was right; nothing was familiar. This place was strange. He couldn't be trusted; but due to the situation we were in, I felt like I had no choice but to trust him. I'm hurt and Nezuko is unconscious. He could easily kill us both in a moments notice.

I began to tell him everything I remembered before I was unconscious, "Well before I was unconscious, I remember Nezuko and I were fighting you. I then was blinded by a strange light and I fell to the ground. Before I lost consciousness, I saw you and Nezuko falling as well."

It was silent for a few seconds, but it truly felt like hours. He looked up at the night sky, "I see. So it must've been the same for Nezuko." He stroked my forehead softly. "The same happened to me."

"Do you have any idea where we are now?" I questioned Kokushibou. He shook his head.

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