[15] Moons

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[Mirko/Rumi Pov][4:15 A

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[Mirko/Rumi Pov]
[4:15 A.M.]
[Hotel Room]

"I see," I sighed. "These demons with the blood demon arts. So, you think maybe one of them could be responsible for the crystals entering your world?"

The three looked at each other then back at me.

"Maybe?" Inosuke yawned.

"You guys can sleep here for now. I'll get you guys some new clothes and a place to stay other than here," I smiled. "Besides, you guys gotta get up early tomorrow."

"Why?" Inosuke lifted his head slightly.

"You guys are gonna spar with me. I want to see what you guys can do!" I gave them a thumbs up.

"Alright, good night," Zenitsu took off his haori and the upper coat of his uniform. Kanao took off the upper coat of her uniform as well as taking her butterfly hair clip off.

"Good night and thank you for helping us," Kanao prepared a makeshift bed to sleep on.

"Good night!" I left the hotel room. Walking down the halls of the hotel, I thought to myself, 'They said that their friends were fighting this demon. Could that mean that demon is here too?'

I exited the hotel, walking on the streets.

[Akaza Pov]
[4:15 A.M.]

I groaned. My head was pounding with pain. Hopefully, it'll go away soon. I hear a sharp whine cut through the air.

"Owww," I turned to see Douma holding his head in his hands. "I never thought it'd hurt."

"It takes energy to travel through dimensions," I heard a small voice behind me. It was the demon that could travel through dimensions. "When you enter a new dimension, your brain is to feel as though there have been metal rods stuck into it."

"So you've done this before?" I asked the demon.

"Only once or twice out of curiosity," it answered. "Sometimes out of hunger too."

"Shut up," I heard Muzan-sama's voice he's our attention. I turned to look at him rise from the ground; dusting off any dirt that was on his suit.

"Where are we?" Douma asked.

"Where Kokushibou is," Muzan-sama answered. "Come along." He began to walk. Nakime, who I hadn't even noticed was here, got up and followed him. The rest of us copied.

This place looked deserted. A few lights were on in the tall buildings.

"Do you have any information on this world?" Muzan-sama asked the demon. His red eyes almost glowed in the dark.

"Yes, I do," the demon answered. "In this world, 80% of those here have a power called a quirk. Because of these powers, villains and heroes lurk the streets. Youngsters that aspire to become heroes go to special schools for training heroes. This world is more advanced than our own as well."

"I see," Muzan-sama sighed. "We'll have to search for Kokushibou in the dead of night then. Where we won't be seen and where we won't burn."

"Sir, you know how Kokushibou was fighting that demon slayer with the hanafuda earrings and his sister?" Douma's words caught my interest. "Could they possibly be here too?"

Muzan-sama's eye turned to look at the demon walking with us.

"It is a possibility," the demon said. "If he was fighting them and they were close together when he was teleported, they could have also be teleported here."

"Then should we kill the brother and steal the sister?" Douma asked, smiling.

"Of course, the girl is immune to the sun," Muzan-sama smiled. "We have no use for the boy."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :. ───

We walked and walked. It felt like we were going nowhere until we saw a mist-like entity of the empty streets. The mist was purple, with glowing gold slits for eyes.

"I've been expecting you all," the mist spoke.

"Huh? You've been expecting us?" I growled.

"Yes, I mean no harm," it raised its misty hands in the air, surrendering to us.

"How can we trust you?" Nakime finally spoke.

"I will not attack you all unless I am given direct orders," the misty chuckled. "Now please, enter the gate." A purple swirl appeared behind the misty figure. It was misty and the same color as the figure.

"Tomura does not enjoy waiting." The figure walked into the gate. We stood there, looking at the gate, then at each other, and back at the gate.

Muzan-sama took a step forward, then another. He soon was half an arm's length away from the gate. Cautiously, he placed on foot into the gate, then the other foot. He submerged himself into the gate.

Nakime and Douma quickly joined Muzan-sama in the gate, followed by the demon we brought with us and then myself.

The lights in the room were dim and weak. At times they flickered like a fire.

In the room was that misty entity and a young man. No older than 20, with sickly pale skin. His skin and a yellow tint to it. His hair was a pale blue. Hands covered his entire upper body. Under the hand on his face, I could see his red eyes shine.

"I am Tomura Shigaraki," the man with the hands introduced himself. "This is Kurogiri." He pointed to the misty figure and then at a small box propped up onto a shelf. It had moving pictures on it. It was like snow falling at night. "That is my master."

"I am Muzan Kibutsuji," Muzan-sama introduced himself then us. "This is Douma, Akaza, Nakime, and," he paused when he looked at the demon standing next to us. Muzan-sama crouched to the demon's level before whispering, "What was your name again?"

"I told 4 hours ago before we even got to this world," the demon hissed.

"Don't speak to me like that!" Muzan-sama hissed back. His long blue nails scratched the demon's eyes.

"Forgive me, sir," the demon cowered.

"I'll ask again, what is your name?" Muzan-sama was agitated when he asked.

"My name is ✿☆✧♡," the demon answered. I couldn't hear it. I don't know if I was the only one but, all I heard was extremely muffled talking.

"I see," Shigaraki scratched his neck. "Master would like to speak to you all."

I looked at the box with the moving paintings. How was an image supposed to communicate?

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you." A voice echoed through the room.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :. ───

Yo yo yo homies, I finished my exams and bring to you a brand new chapter. School is gonna end for me tomorrow and summer break will be upon me!

Btw, is the timing of the story too slow? Since I'm going episode by episode and adding chapters that aren't episodes? I haven't even reached the USJ arc yet. Sooo, if you could let me know if I should speed the story up or leave the time as it is

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