[14] Stranger

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[??? Pov][3:47 A

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[??? Pov]
[3:47 A.M.]
[Jewelry Store]

I overheard the blonde boy whisper to the girl. He didn't know what a hero was? That was interesting; everyone knew what a hero was. I'm curious about them now.

"You guys must be new here," I said. "I'll show you around after I tie this guy up and hand him to the police.

"Thank you ma'am," the girl thanked me. She and the blonde boy bowed at a 90° angle. The girly faced kid looked at them and copied them. I bent down, picking up the boar mask. It was worn but still in good condition. I handed to the boy who owned it.

He jumped off the villain, placing the mask on his head. I grabbed roped from my pocket, using it to tie the villain's hands behind his back. I swiftly handed him to the police and turned back to the three.

"Alright, ready to go?" I asked.

"Yah!" The boar masked boy exclaimed. The other two have a soft and simple 'yes.'

"Alrighty! Follow me!" I began to walk. I could hear them trail behind me. "So, what're your names?"

"Uhm- my name is.. Zenitsu Agatsuma," the blonde boy answered.

"I am Kanao Tsuyuri," the girl introduced herself.

"I am Inosuke Hashibira! King of the Mountains!" The boar masked boy exclaimed

I smiled. "Well, I'm Rumi Usagiyama, but I'm known more by my hero name, Rabbit Hero: Mirko!"

"So, what is a hero?" Zenitsu asked. I stopped walking and turned to look at them. 'I knew it!'

"You don't know what a hero is?" I asked them to confirm it. They nodded. "Well, a hero is someone that fights for good and justice."

"Heroes all have quirks, a power special to them and their bloodline. For example, my quirk is rabbit! I can do anything a rabbit can. Heroes do a variety of missions: from rescues to villain raids. We heroes deal with the worst of the worst to protect civilians from evil."

"I see," Kanao muttered. "So how does one become a hero?"

"Gotta enroll at a hero training school or get specially picked," I answered.

"So, these hero training schools train people to become heroes?" Zenitsu asked.

"Yep! If you guys want to enroll.. I have a school in mind for you," I stopped walking. My head turned to look at them dead in the eye. "Do you guys want to enroll?"

"Yeah!" Inosuke exclaimed almost immediately.

"Yes, I'd like to enroll," Kanao said.

"Well, if they're going then I'll go," Zenitsu scratched the back of his neck. "I don't want to be alone."

"Great! I'll enroll you guys as my apprientces!" I have them a thumbs up. "You guys will have to follow that story though. Hero schools rarely accept new students once the semester has already started but, this is one of those rare moments they will."

Strange (KnyxBnha) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now