[13] Lost

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[Kanao Pov][3:13 A

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[Kanao Pov]
[3:13 A.M.]

My senses slowly came back to me. My memory was fuzzy but, I slowly began to remember. That crystal turned into powder. It knocked us unconscious.

I tried moving my body off the cold surface it was on but, pain shot through my body. I can't move. I can't turn my head to see if Zenitsu and Inosuke are with me. They might be in danger. I have to get up! I have to check on my friends and protect them.

I pushed past the pain in my body and lifted myself off the cold surface. I could see Zenitsu and Inosuke a few meters in front of me.

My left hand extended to help drag my body towards them. I almost reached them, almost. A loud, sudden sound made me stop. I didn't have excellent hearing like Zenitsu does, however, I could tell that was an explosion.

I pushed myself into a sitting position. Inosuke was waking up. I heard him grumble and some shifting.

"Oi Tanao!" He shouted.

"Kanao," I corrected him.

"Where are we?" Inosuke asked. His voice lowered. I took my moment to look at my surroundings. We were in a wide, open field with a few trees scattering the area. There were some people here, but they all were odd. They were dressed in a weird way and it looked like there were some demons.

"I don't know," I responded to him; my hand reached for the handle of my sword. "But, it might be someplace that is dangerous."

"Hn. I'll wake up Monitsu," he then began to violently shake Zenitsu, while screaming "WAKE UP! MONITSU WAKE UP!"

I could feel the eyes of others drill into my back. Zenitsu woke up after a few long seconds of screaming. Then came more screaming.

"Where are we?" Zenitsu cried; whipping his head to view everything.

"Zenitsu, please quiet down," I ordered. "We are in a strange place and we can't afford to be caught by demons."

"Demons? But, there aren't any of the sounds demons make," he quietly said.

"Eh? What'd you mean there are no demon noises?" Inosuke questioned him. "There are demons almost everywhere here!" He pointed at the demon-looking people sitting on a long, dark wooden chair.

"They're in the sun," Zenitsu pointed out. "And they aren't making demon sounds. If they were demons, I could tell by the noises!"

"I think we're attracting too much attention here," I took my white shawl off of my shoulders, draping it on Inosuke's to cover his torso up.

"Wah?" Inosuke looked up at me.

"Your mask doesn't seem to attract attention but, your torso does,". I adjusted the shawl.

I could see from the corner of my eye, smoke. Something must be on fire. I got up, stumbling a little.

"There's smoke," I pointed at the black cloud. "We should go and investigate."

"Yah!" Inosuke jumped up running towards the smoke as my shawl flew behind him like a cape. I ran after him. I could tell Zenitsu was running behind me.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :. ───

We hopped from roof to roof of the tall buildings. Zenitsu almost fell once. Inosuke didn't stop and neither did I. Zenitsu was able to recover from almost falling and continued to run after us.

Inosuke finally stopped when his feet landed on a specific building. I could hear a loud ringing sound through the air. Near what I assumed was the entrance, a large demon-like person was rushing through a crowd of people with a large stack in his hands; injuring some of them by setting their arms or legs on fire.

"Hahahaha!" Inosuke laughed, jumping down.

"Wait!" Zenitsu shouted as he hesitantly jumped down. I couldn't do anything but, jump as well.

Inosuke had already caught up to the demon man. His hands reached for the handles of his katanas. With one swift motion, Inosuke yanked them out of their bindings. The bindings fell to floors as cut-up ribbons.

"Inosuke!" Zenitsu was about to grab the shawl when Inosuke had unknowingly elbowed him in the ribs. Zenitsu fell backward but, didn't hit the ground. I had managed to catch him just in time.

Inosuke laughed as he brought his foot up and kicked the man's back; sending him tumbling down. His foot was then set on the man's back, holding him down. His swords stabbed into the ground at the sides of the man's head.

The large sack went tumbling. Out of it fell large amounts of strange gold items and other rare minerals.

"Hahaha!" Inosuke laughed. "No one is faster than the King of the Mountains!"

I heard murmuring from the crowd of people. Things along the lines of:

"Woah, they took that villain down so easily."

"Like those kids from the building fire incident."

"I wonder what their quirks are?"

"Are they heroes?"

"Maybe heroes in training?"

A tan woman with a muscular build emerged from the crowd. She had rabbit ears, long white hair, and very long eyelashes. She was wearing a rather strange costume.

"Woah! Nice job kids," she gave us a thumbs up. "Pretty fast for a little dude." Her hand began to ruffle the fur on Inosuke's boar mask.

"Little?" Inosuke shouted. "I'll show you little!" He shouted. His hands about to strangle the woman. Zenitsu and I began to hold back Inosuke.

The woman simply stood there and began to chuckle. "You're a weird one, that's for sure," she moved he hand up to ruffle the fur on the make again, but her hand accidentally knocked the mask off Inosuke's head.

The mask dropped onto the ground, near the man on the floor. Everyone stood there in silence; even Inosuke. The strange woman began to laugh, "That's what you look like?"

"What? You got a problem with it?" Inosuke attempted to strangle her again.

"No no, it's just no one would expect that voice from someone with such a girly face," she wave her hand. The crowd agreed with her.

"Girly?" How about this for girly!" Inosuke brought his foot up to hit kick her in the chin only to be countered by the woman.

"Pretty flexible. You might be a little violent, but you'd make a great hero. The all three of you actually," she ruffled Inosuke's hair.

"What's she talking about?" Zenitsu leaned his head towards me and whispered.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :. ───

I finally brought them back.
I'm sure people can guess who the mystery lady is.

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