[16] Master

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[✿☆✧♡ Pov][4:45 A

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[✿☆✧♡ Pov]
[4:45 A.M.]

"It is a pleasure to meet you all," a voice shot through the air. Chills ran down my spine. The voice was sinister and commanding. It was the voice of a leader.

"I am All For One," the voice continued. "I would like to request that you all join us."

"In what?" Douma asked.

"In the League of Villains of course!" All for one joyfully exclaimed.

"Why should we join?" Akaza groaned.

"You all are looking for someone, correct?" All for one asked. "I would be more than glad to help you find them."

"How did you even know we were looking for someone?" Douma smiled.

"I am the reason they are here," All for one's voice gave me the impression he was smiling. A wide one. He had planned all of this. "You all are the allies I needed."

"We'll join you," Muzan-sama spoke at last. "However, if you go back on your word, you'll regret it dearly." His voice was laced with poison.

"I have intent to," All for one spoke softly. "Feel free to make yourselves comfortable here." With a buzz, the room was filled with silence. All for one no longer spoke. No one did.

It felt as though hours has passed by, even though it was only a few seconds before Muzan-sama spoke.

"Nakime, are you able to turn this place into a temporary Infinity Fortress?" Muzan-sama turned his head slightly to face the female demon. Nakime simply nodded. I guess she wasn't much of a talker, unlike Douma.

"Good," Muzan-sama then turned to face Tomura Shigaraki. "I'll be turning this place into a never ending fortress."

"Do what you want," Shigaraki spat. "As long as it doesn't give our location away." The sickly looking man turned on his heel.

"I apologize for his rudeness," Kurogiri spoke once Shigaraki left. "He isn't used to visitors."

"He better get used to it, 'cause we're not leaving anytime soon," Akaza grumbled under his breath.

"It is alright. He is a useful ally as are you," Muzan-sama smiled.

"Thank you," Kurogiri turned to clean the glasses behind him with a stray, soapy rag.

Nakime took a seat and began playing a tune of her biwa. A constant melody to slowly weave a never ending fortress.

"I need some air," Akaza stepped out of the room, followed by Douma.

[Michikatsu Pov]
[5:00 A.M.]
[Mai & Shiro Ito's House]

I was up late reading. I couldn't sleep. Not like I needed it, but it felt nice to rest once in a while.

I felt something creeping up my spine. The sense of dread. Something was off. Very off. I jumped to my feet, making my way to my bedroom's door.

I crept through the halls, not making a single sound as I made it to the front door. I quickly put on something to cover my feet and threw on an overcoat.

I stepped outside of the house, closing the door behind only after checking to see if I had the keys to the front door. The moment the door closed, I dashed down the street of the neighborhood.

A few lights were on in a couple of the houses. There weren't many early risers in this specific neighborhood.

I kept running and running. I didn't know where my feet were taking me exactly, but I knew it wasn't good. I felt more dread as I kept running. It got stronger and stronger; almost suffocating.

I stopped running when I entered the shopping district Mai-san usually went to pick up ingredients for the food we ate. The food didn't satisfy my hunger but helped. It helped me regain more of my humanity.

I could feel an ominous aura coming from a alleyway near by. Cautiously, I took a few steps closer. As I came closer to the entrance of the alleyway, I heard a voices. A irritated one and a happy one.

"Piss off!" The irritated one shouted. "I don't need you to give me a headache!"

"I just wanted to accompany my BEST friend!" The happy one exclaimed.

"Who said you were my friend!" The irritated one snapped. "Oi! Don't hug me, you god damn pain in the ass!"

I immediately recognized the voices. They were of Akaza and Douma. I stood, rooted to the spot.

What are they doing here? Are the others here too? Thoughts flooded my head. How did they get here?

I knew the answer to one of the questions. They were here for me.

I could feel myself stumble. I didn't want to leave. I felt human again, I was treated like a human again. I liked it here. I liked being with Tanjiro and Nezuko.

My legs gave up on me. I grabbed the wall to keep myself upright.

"What the hell was that?" Akaza snapped.

"I don't know. Let's check it out!" Douma laughed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :. ───

It's literally felt like months since I updated with a new chapter. I kind started losing motivation, but then I remembered the ending of the story I had in mind and how much I enjoyed writing this story so, ta-da!

This chapter is shorter than the usual chapters. This was is 800+ words while the others are 1k± but, I am pretty pleased with this chapter. I feel like the story is FINALLY getting deeper. Thank for 14k+ reads currently and 600+ votes! It means a lot to me!

Also, if some of you want some more insight on the demon whose name is symbols. I did it because I don't really want that demon to have an identity since it isn't a moon and is just seen as a tool to the others.

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