[03] Exploration

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[Tanjiro Pov][3:30 A

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[Tanjiro Pov]
[3:30 A.M.]

The three of us walked down the street. I was so amazed by everything. We continued walking down the street. Nezuko stopped at a window. There were these boxes, that were showing something. It looked like events from earlier today. Maybe a few hours before we got here?

It was showing an extremely muscular man, he had somewhat tan skin, golden blonde hair, and bright blue eyes that could slightly be seen. One of the things I noticed about him first was his smile. He had a fearless smile. There was a woman next to him, she had red hair, fair skin, and white eyes. Her eyes reminded me of Himejima. The woman was asking the man questions. They called him 'All Might.'

The image changed to a man talking.
"Spring is upon us again, and so is the UA entrance exam. On March xx, the entrance exam will take place," The man explained. "A chance for promising young teens to train to become a Pro Hero!"

"Hm?" Nezuko tilted her head slightly. She was just as confused as I was. What is UA? What are Pro Heroes?

"Maybe this is a chance for us to get some answers," Kokushibou suggested. He looked at the image that was being shown and the address. I assumed he memorized it.

"It seems like a school for children that are of the ages 15 to 18," I said, after looking at the kids shown in the image. The box was really advanced. "Nezuko and I look the part to attend, but you don't," I pointed at the Upper Moon.

He looked at me before responding with, "I can fix that easily." Before I could respond, Kokushibou changed his appearance. He looked younger. 10 years younger.

"You have that ability Nezuko has as well?" I asked. Nezuko turned to look at Kokushibou. She looked confused about his appearance.
"It's a common ability among demons. We use it to blend in and not draw suspicion," He explained. Kokushibou closed his eyes; veins appeared on his forehead and his extra pairs of eyes disappeared. Nezuko flinched in surprise.

"Oh," Was all I could say. I guess the only other demon I saw change their appearance other than Nezuko, was Daki.

"Hm!?" Nezuko tugged on our sleeves and pointed at the smoke coming from a building. Kokushibou and I turned our heads. Without thinking, I started running towards it. Nezuko shrunk and hopped onto my shoulders.

"Tanjiro! Nezuko!" Kokushibou shouted and ran after us.

[Kokushibou Pov]
[3:48 P.M.]

Tanjiro took off in the direction of the smoke. Of course, Nezuko ran after her brother. She shrunk down to the size of a toddler and jumped onto Tanjiro's shoulders.
"Tanjiro! Nezuko!" I shouted their names and ran after them.

'Wait. Why do I care for them? Why am I running after them? My mission is to kill them,' I stopped running. I could see their figures getting farther and farther away.
'No, I should go after them,' I ran after the siblings again.

I spent a few minutes running after them. Tanjiro stopped running when he saw a small crowd of people, in front of the burning building. I stopped behind the boy.

"Tanjiro. Nezuko," I placed my hands on their heads. Nezuko flinched, but Tanjiro was able to smell my scent coming closer.
"Why isn't anyone doing something to help?" Tanjiro asked questioned. I shrugged my shoulders.

The three of us overheard two people in front of us. One looked like a demon, while the other looked like a cat. They were strange.
"Why aren't the pro heroes helping but the fire out?" The cat man asked the other. "Could they be late?" The demon-looking man responded. "But, they shouldn't be this late!" The cat man exclaimed.

"Hm?" Nezuko looked confused at the word 'pro hero.' The three of us wondered what they meant.
"Should we help?" Tanjiro asked. I looked up from Tanjiro's face to the fire.
"I guess we should," I sighed. The three of us pushed past the crowd, ignoring their shouts. Nezuko grabbed my hand, still on Tanjiro's shoulders. She was making sure I didn't leave them or try anything.

Smokes filled our lungs. I heard some screams and cries from a few floors above. Nezuko got off her brother's shoulder as Tanjiro unsheathed his sword, taking a deep breath.

Water Breathing: Fourth Form: Striking Tide.

Tanjiro twisted his body, the water hit the fire; putting it out in a moment's notice. He continued putting out the water as we advanced up the building. Whenever we found someone in the building, Nezuko took them and jumped out the window. She placed them with the crowd and ran back into the building; Joining us again.

Slowly, we put out the fire in the building and rescued those that were trapped. Tanjiro and Nezuko collapsed on the ground when everything was over. It was understandable. They did most of the work while I was just supporting. We paused when we heard loud, ear-piercing noises from outside the broken window.

"What're those noises?" Tanjiro asked, walking over to the broken window. He answered his own question.
"It's people in uniforms with red and blue lights flashing. I think they're the police?"
Nezuko and I joined Tanjiro at the window. "They don't look like the police we know. Then again, this is probably not our timeline or even world," I scratched my neck.
"Hm," Nezuko hummed in agreement.
"Some of them were wearing funny costumes," Tanjiro pointed at a few examples.

The people that were trapped inside the building informed the police and pro heroes of how there was an oil leakage in there, causing the huge fire and that three teenagers put out the fire and saved them. The police and heroes were stunned.

"Teenage kids stopped a fire as huge as that?" The hero known as Backdraft asked.
"From what we've been told by those that were saved, that seems to be true," The hero next to Backdraft, Death Arms, said. "It does sound unbelievable."

One of the people that Nezuko rescued pointed at the three looking down at them from the broken window. The pro heroes, police, and crowd looked at where the person was pointing
"It was really true?!" Backdraft exclaimed.

"Hm!" Nezuko tugged at our sleeves, grabbing our attention. She pointed towards the staircase that led to the rooftop of this building. She wanted us to leave.
"I agree Nezuko!" Tanjiro walked towards the stairs and climbed up. "We're drawing too much attention."

"This was your idea," I sighed. Nezuko and I followed Tanjiro to the roof. He slowly pushed up the door.
"We couldn't just stand there and do nothing!" The boy retorted. "People could have died!"

The siblings shivered as the cold night air hit their skin. The cold had an effect since they've been in the fire's heat for around 28 minutes. We began hopping from roof to roof. We've already drawn enough attention to ourselves.

When the pro heroes and police made their way up to the rooftop, we were long gone.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After some research, I realized it should be March in the story right now and not August since the school year starts in April. :)


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