[04] Family

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[Nezuko Pov][2:13 P

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[Nezuko Pov]
[2:13 P.M.]

Days passed from the building fire incident. We were able to find shelter with an elderly couple. Their names were Mai and Shiro Ito. I saw them as my own grandparents. The couple really seemed to enjoy our company. Even after a few days, they started calling us their grandchildren which brought me so much joy! It felt like home.

We knew we could trust the couple, so Kokushibou told them everything. About how we weren't from this world or timeline. It was definitely a lot to take in for the two, but they still accepted us. They accepted us as part of their family. They were so kind. I knew I had to protect them. I couldn't let them have a terrible fate. They didn't deserve a terrible fate.

Since we had told them everything, it was clear we didn't know about anything. It was all just so advanced. Luckily, grandpa taught us about this world.

As it turns out, 80% of the population here has some kind of superpower called a 'quirk.' It was sort of like a demon art. A new profession was created, as it was an era of heroes!

Along with learning about this, grandpa decided to allow us to take part in the entrance exam. He also gave the three of us, separate phones. He said it was for communication. Learning how to use the phone was hard, but since we were so smart, we figured it out! Well, with grandpa's help of course.

The UA exam was tomorrow, I was nervous of course. Tanjiro was a little be nervous, while Kokushibou was unfazed knowing the exam was tomorrow.
I remember the demon told us to call him Michikatsu and not Kokushibou. Was that his real name? He didn't tell us his last name, but I respect it if he doesn't want to tell us his last name.

Tanjiro and I were sitting on the couch grandpa. Grandpa was reading a book, while Tanjiro and I were glued to the screen of what grandpa told us was a TV. We were watching the news, it was so interesting.
The news was covering the building incident, they were also covering the three of us. On-screen it showed a slightly blurry photo of us three.
'Is it talking about us?' I tried asking Tanjiro, but noises were all that came out of my mouth. He seemed to understand me nonetheless.
"I think so Nezuko," Tanjiro replied.

Grandpa laughed, "You three really are going to be trouble."
"Hm!" I retorted with 'Not that much trouble!' Tanjiro laughed

[Mai Pov]
[2:27 P.M.]

My husband and I were felt so happy when the siblings and Michikatsu. Our son and his pregnant wife died a few years back, so we never were able to meet our grandchild. When the three came into our life we were so happy. It was like we had grandchildren.

Michikatsu was helping me make lunch for everyone. Despite what he's done as a man-eating demon, he was very kind and thoughtful. He cared for my husband and I, as well and the Kamado siblings.

"Michikatsu, could you give this to the siblings and my husband?" I asked him, holding a tray full of food. He nodded, taking the tray from my hands and walking out the kitchen area.

It saddened me that they would have to return to their world, but I have to understand and let them go when that day comes. For now, I can cherish the time I spend with them.

Michikatsu returned, asking, "Is there anything else I can help you with?" I shook my head. He nodded exiting the kitchen area. I followed him out and into the living room. Nezuko and Tanjiro were watching TV, while my husband was reading a book. Michikatsu joined Tanjiro and Nezuko, watching the TV with them.

I walked over to the calendar near the entrance of the house. Tomorrow was the UA entrance exam.

"Kids," I grabbed their attention. They turned their heads to me. "You guys should go to bed at 7 soon. The UA entrance exam is tomorrow."

"Okay!" Tanjiro and Michikatsu exclaimed together. Nezuko tried saying 'okay' as well, but all that came out of her was a loud 'hm!' due to the bamboo muzzle on her mouth. My husband and I smiled.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Thank you for 100+ reads!

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