[05] Entrance Exam [Pt 1]

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[Tanjiro Pov][7:21 A

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[Tanjiro Pov]
[7:21 A.M.]

The three of us stood in front of the UA gate. The whole was building was made of glass and absolutely huge. The pictures that we were shown didn't capture how large it was.
People walked past us; a few of them were talking while others were excited and amazed.
We began walking to the door when I noticed a boy with messy dark green hair, tripping and falling to the ground. I was about to run to his side and prevent him from falling when a girl with a brown bob got to him first. She used her quirk to levitate him.

He seemed a little bit freaked out when he didn't make an impact with the ground. The girl touched the pads of her fingers together and the boy was put back his feet. I continued to look at them. I zoned out looking at them, but before they noticed me being somewhat of a creep, Michikatsu nudged my shoulder. I turned my head to him. He nudged his head towards the building. I almost forgot about the entrance exam.

We entered the building, following everyone else to a large room with maybe thousands of seats. Nezuko and I followed Michikatsu to a row near the middle. We sat down on three empty seats next to each other. A man with blonde hair, sunglasses, and a device around his neck. He stepped up towards the podium. Lights turned on above the podium one by one.

"What's up UA candidates!" He started. "Thanks for tuning into me; your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya!" The man spread his arms out then placed a hand to his ear, expecting to hear a cheer maybe, but all that he received was silence.
"Keeping it melo huh?" He continued. "That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show."

"Let's talk about how this exam of gonna go okay?" He smiled, pulling out a large stack of papers. "There's two parts of this exam. The first is the written exam! You'll be answering two sheets of paper," he held gave a small pile to everyone in the first row. Everyone in the first row started to take one of the booklets in the piles. They passed the pile to the person behind them and it was rinsed and repeated.

Once everyone had gotten a booklet, "You can begin the written part of the exam now!" Everyone got to work. I turned to look to Nezuko and Michikatsu. Michikatsu goes to work the moment the man dropped talking. Nezuko looked at the booklet confused but began writing.
'I should get to work as well,' I took a deep breath and began to read the questions.

1) What is the job of a Pro Hero?
2) What courses does UA provide?
And so on.

I answered the questions to the best of my abilities. I remember what grandpa told me about this world's society.

I finished rather quickly. Michikatsu was done before I was and Nezuko was having trouble. I knew I wasn't allowed to help her, but I didn't want my sister to fail the exam. I nudged her in the elbow. Nezuko turned her head towards me. I slowly pushed my booklet towards Nezuko. She nodded as thanks and began copying my answers, modifying the answers so it doesn't look like we copied each other.

After what seemed like forever, everyone was done. The loud man that stood on the podium smiled brightly.
"All of you are done! Great job!" The man exclaimed. "Now we'll move on to the practical part of the exam."
I leaned over my desk. It was so thrilling! The man continued, "You rockin' boys and girls have all been given a card with your specified battle center sound good?" Silence followed. "OK?"

Michikatsu turned his head towards us, "I got battle center A. What did you guys get?"

"Hm!" Nezuko showed her card that said 'A' as well.

"I got B," I told him.

"I see, you two must've been separated since you both are siblings," He explained. "They didn't separate me from Nezuko since I don't have the same last name as you two. They think we were homeschooled by different people."

"It must be so we can't work together," I pointed out.

"Hm!" Nezuko had a worried expression on her face. I patted her head, "It's fine Nezuko! I'll be fine and Michikatsu can protect you."
"Hm," Nezuko glared at Michikatsu. So she still didn't trust him. Maybe she'll open up to him soon.

The loud man caught our attention again, "Okay, okay, let's check out your targets," the screen glowed, showing images of three things blacked out. "There are three types of villains in every battle center. You earn points based on their level of difficulty so, better choose wisely!"

So, that's how they're going to find out who to enroll and who not to.
"Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your points and shred these villains!" He smiled. "But, check it! Make sure you're keeping things heroic, attacking other examinees is a UA no no."

"Excuse me sir, but I have a question!" A boy in the row in front of us stood up. He had neatly kept dark blue hair and glasses.
"Hit me!" The man on the podium shouted. A spotlight was shined on the boy with the question. He held up the practical exam paper.
"On the printout, you listed four types of villains, not three," he pointed to the pictures. "With all respect, if this is an error on official UA material, it is shameful!"
I heard Michikatsu sigh. I guess he wanted to skip this and head straight into the fighting part. I can understand it. This whole place is unfamiliar and it scares all three of us. He's becoming more and more human.

The boy with the blue hair continued, "We are exemplary students, we expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do," the boy put the sheet back onto the desk.

"Additionally, you with the unkempt hair!" He pointed behind me. I turned my head to see that green-haired boy again. The freckles boy pointed at himself, questioning if the blue-haired boy was referring to him.

The boy with the glasses continued, "You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that," I could tell he was an extremely serious student. "If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

The boy with the green hair placed both of his hands, he muttered a small, "Sorry.." A few people laughed.

The man caught our attention again, "Alright, Alright. Examinee number 7111, thanks for calling in with your request." The man did a thumbs up. Another blackened figure appeared on the screen behind the man. "The fourth villain type is worth 0 points! Those guys just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center, think of it as something you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's kinda no point," the man explained.
I wonder what his name is. He is very unique.

"Thank you very much!" The boy with the glasses bowed and sat back down. "Please continue."

"That's all I got for you today! I'll sign off with a little present, a sample of our school's motto: As great hero, Napoleon Bonaparte once said.. 'true heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life.' Ya ready to go beyond? PLUS ULTRA!"

A large Plus Ultra was shown on the screen behind him to us. "Good luck!" He shouted before we all headed to our battle centers.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A/N: Hey Kiro here. My spring break is over and I'm starting online school. I'll still update, but not as frequently. Not to worry though! Summer break is almost upon me. I'll post the next part of  Strange as soon as I can.
Have a Plus Ultra day/night!

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