1.Orc: Captain Rune 18+

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Mature 🔞🔞

Y/N p.o.v.
For the past three generations my family is the one who sells the apples, berries, and some vegetables. My Grandfather got a piece of land when he helped the King, King Jule, to bring people together by feasts. When word got out about King Jule being a Fae all kinds of creatures came to find a home here in Silentdew, but of course not everyone liked the change. People would say hurtful things, throw things, or even kill them. Growing up I never understood why they were so hateful of different people, but when my grandfather said "Everyone loves a good fruit plate." So he took his idea to having a fruit and vegetable festival for everyone to come together either to sell or buy what they need, and once everyone saw they were all acting, buying, and doing everything the same, it seemed to calm just about everyone down. We still had bad people who would hurt others, but King Jule had a great punishment for those people. Growing up I've learned that orcs, minotaur, centaurs, and satyrs are the best customers, because they eat the most fruits and vegetables. I was 17 when I finally took over the stand, and I couldn't have been more excited. Papa was still there to help with harvesting, but of course he didn't live to long after my 21st birthday.
Today started like most did, I woke up got ready for my day, sharpened my axe, and went to the farm. We had a small cabin next to the stall where I sell our produce, and we had another small cabin next to the fields so when we are planting, or harvesting we can stay there. Today I had to get berries, corn, and some apples since I already sold some yesterday, but as I made my way through the village I heard that The Goldherd docked last night. The Goldherd is a pirate ship filled with awful people who did whatever they wanted, and of course their Captain wasn't much better. Stories say he takes women, uses them then let's his crew do what they please only to throw them overboard. If I stay on the crowded streets I should be fine, so I strap my axe to my side, grab my long basket, and head out. My mother always told me to carry a weapon for any reason, so I picked something I can swing with one hand, an axe.
As I walk along the streets I watch the birds, the clouds, and just enjoy the day. I grabbed the apple first, then the corn, grabbed some carrots, a bunch of different berries, and locked everything up. I was focused on counting the berries, and not dropping any. I didn't notice the small group of an orc, a tiefling, and gnoll (hyena man) following behind me. I looked up from counting, and noticed I was on the street that went past the docks. I clinched the basket to my chest as I saw the big dark ship, and some of its crew hanging around the docks. I just kept my head down, and one hand on my axe that was hidden behind the basket.
"Hey!" Someone yells, but I keep going. "Fruit girl!" They yell,throwing a pear at me.
"WHAT?!" I scream back, and immediately regret it. I just didn't like things being thrown at me.
"Whoa. Calm down now." A big red man with big horns, a demon, walks up to me. "Just needed to know how juicy your fruit is." The men behind him laugh.
I just roll my eyes, and turn to walk only to be blocked by the group that was behind me. I try to go through the orc and gnoll, but get blocked by the laughing gnoll.
"Let me through please. I don't want any trouble. If it's fruit or vegetables you want I have more at my stand, but I am not going to play games today." I tried to stand my ground, but of course I wanted to vomit.
"Ohhh tough little girl huh." The tiefling brings his face closer as he talks.
"HEY!" A loud deep voice yells from behind the circle that formed around me. "Back it up."
A big orc man pushes the tiefling back, and looks down at me. He was a foot taller than any one here, he had an emerald like skin that had tattoos all over, even on his face, dark dreads that he pulled into a half up bun, arrow like earring, his deep green hazel eyes stare back at me, and his captain coat just fit him perfectly. I didn't realize I was staring until he cleared his throat.
"You were going somewhere." He says.
I just nod before I turn around, and I walk quickly away before anyone else gets close to me. I practically fall into my door as I run into the cabin, the basket falling onto the floor, and me trying to catch my breath as I cling to the table. I can't believe I ran into pirates, and got away. After some time I finally found my lungs, but I locked myself inside trying to calm myself. That night I dreamt of the Captain, and when I woke he was the first on my mind. As I'm washing and cleaning the stuff I got yesterday morning when a shadow comes over my stand, and my breath leaves me when I see who my next customer is, it's the Captain of The Goldherd. I wipe my hands off, on my apron, as I slowly stand, and as I timidly step toward him he smirks at me.
"I...ho..." I stammer. "What can I get for you?" I say finally finding my mouth.
He smirks. "I need these bags full of cabbage, potatoes, apples, and carrots." He holds up four burrow bags.
I blinked a couple times.
"Can you come back tomorrow?" I ask.
"I will definitely be back tomorrow." He said, and then he just walked away.
The rest of the day I couldn't get that Captain out of my head, and as I packed up the stand a little earlier than I usually do, my mind just wouldn't stop thinking of him. After hooking the horse to the wagon I rode toward the farm, and as I passed the ship I couldn't help looking over. The men were cheering, music was playing, but my eyes caught movement to the front of the ship. It was the Captain, and he was looking right at me as I rode by. When I get to the farm I let the horse walk freely as I go pick the vegetables, and I shake out the bags as I walk toward the field. As I'm picking carrots I hear a creak like the gate opened, but when I look it is shut. Once I have the bag filled with carrots I lean it against a tree to work on filling the other bag with potatoes. When I'm done I drag the bag behind me to grab the carrots, but the bag is gone. What the Hell? I say to myself as I look around, and I find the bag on the wagon. I leave the potatoes to go over to check the bag, and all the dirty, multisize carrots are in there. I'm brought out of my thoughts when the potatoes land next to the carrots causing me to jump to the clouds.
"How do you not have farm hands?" Captain grumbs.
"How...What are you doing here?" I ask then look to the gate. "I thought I locked that." I mumble to myself.
"Oh you did." I turn to find him closer than he was before. "But I can easily get into anything." He looks down at my body. "Now, my question?"
"We've never had them. My family did the farming ourselves." I tell him.
"What would happen if you left?" He asks as he leans against the wagon.
"I will never leave." I say as I grab the last two bags. "My family started this farm, and my family will always be here." I say as I walk to the trees.
I heard him following me with heavy steps, and he stopped as I started to climb the ladder.
"You do everything?" He looks around.
"Everything." I state. "Now Captain my question...What are you doing here?" I ask before shaking the branch to have to ones I couldn't reach fall.
"HEY!" He shouts causing me to giggle. "I'm here.... because I want to be. Also my men are getting on my nerves." He sighs as he sits against the tree. "Also call me Rune."
I climb down at his sigh. "Well since you are here might as well work. Go pick your cabbage." I smile as I pick up the fallen apples.
"Pick my own cabbage?" He looks surprised as he stands. "I don't pick cabbage. I'm a Captain."
I just hold out the bag with a blank stare, and he grumbles to himself as he snatches the bag before stomping away. I couldn't hold in my laugh as I finished packing the apples.
"WOMAN!" I hear from across the field.
I roll my eyes as I walk towards him, and notice he is holding a perfect cabbage and one not ready.
"Yes Rune?" I ask, and he just looks at me before shaking his head.
"Which one is the right one?" He holds them out to me.
After explaining to him which are the best ones, and my name, he starts pulling, and does stop until the bag is full. He makes sure all the bags are tied up as I hitch up the horse to the wagon.
"Would you like to ride back to your ship?" I ask.
He shakes his head. "I rather walk."
''Well...I'll see you tomorrow Rune." I smile before riding back to the stand.

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