1. Halforc Cai 18+

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Warning: Extreme Abuse, Gore, Sexual Theme

(Y/n) P.O.V
I would never understand my father, and I know he'd never understand me. I felt that every living breathing thing should have a chance to be their own person, where my father is a hunter of many creatures. He even partakes in The Creature Games, and when my brothers were of age he took them. Mother was the one that tried to teach us that everyone has a heartbeat, and it can break just like ours. I became absolutely sick of my whole household when my father walked in with a servant that was half orc, and would literally push him around. At night I'd bring him some real food, instead of the stale bread my father would give him. We became very close during that time, he'd tell me about his battles throughout life, and I'd tell him about the arguments with my father.
One night after a long hot day of working we fell asleep talking. I woke to my father snatching me off of the ground.
"Who knew my own daughter is a whore, for a creature no less." His grip on my arm becomes bone crushing. "You don't move." He orders Cai, and pulls me out of the room.
"Father please. I'm sorry." I beg as I trip over my feet.
My mother and my brothers come into the hall from the commotion. My mother tries to get him to let me go, but he just throws her off. My brothers don't try to touch him, just follow behind him, trying to get him to listen. He throws me into my room, causing me to fall to my knees as he locks me inside.
"No one is to let that whore out until I'm done with her!" He yells at my family.
I hear his heavy footsteps walk away, and my brothers follow. My mother lightly knocks on the door to let me know she is there. I run to my window as I hear yelling outside. My father is dragging Cai to the tree in the middle of the field, and my brothers are tripping behind him. I fall to my knees losing my will to stand. I couldn't stomach to watch him hurt Cai. The sounds of the whip, Cais scream of agony, and my sobs filled the air for a good hour. I thought he was done, but when I heard his footsteps get closer, and my mother's frantic voice. I knew he wasn't done. He comes into the room, throwing his bloody whip on the floor, and grabbing me by my hair. My mother tries getting between us, but he throws her to the ground.
"I will not have this family letting those creatures think they are nothing, but animals!" He throws me to my bed.
I try to get to the other side, but he already has my ankle in his hand. He ties me, on my stomach, to the bed posts. I can hear my mother beg him, but he just locks the door. All I hear is him moving around, and then the worst burning sharp pain. The scream I released would shatter the devil's heart. He didn't go as long as he did on Cai, but I still was fighting to stay awake. I start to lose my sight when I see my mother run to me apologizing over and over.
I started to wake up feeling the heat of the sun on my face, but I couldn't move. I'm still strapped to the bed, but I am on my side instead. I feel something wet, cold, and stings on my back. I turn my head to see my mother's hair.
"I'm so sorry I can't untie you. Your father has gone completely mad." She comes around my bed to kneel in front of my face. "I have a salve on your back that will help with the pain, but I made you that tea you love." She gives me a soft smile, and helps me drink. "Your brothers are helping Cai. He seems to be healing a lot quicker. Already sitting up." I squeeze my eyes shut as my eyes start to water. "I know honey." She gives my arm a soft pat.
Once night came I was able to actually sit up, my back had the salve linens mother put on. I try not to look out the window, but it's all I can do right now until mother or my brothers wake up. I know my father is still here, because I hear his footsteps stomping around. My stomach falls as my door starts to open, but when Cai's head comes into the moonlight I almost squeal out. My mother comes in behind him, carrying a candle, and an empty bag.
"I'm getting you out of here." He moves the blanket off my body. "Can you move at all?" He looks over my body.
"I can move my legs, but standing is straining." I look over as my mother puts some of my things, and a jar of the salve in the bag.
He helps me stand up, and holds me to his chest as my mother changes my bandages and changes my dress. I hold onto his arms as he steps back. I give him a worried look.
"Cai? What is going on?"
"We are going to Silentdew, and once we meet the King, your mother will come with your brothers." He kisses my forehead as I nod.
"(Y/n)? Please know I am so sorry." My mother comes to us, handing the bag to Cai.
"I love you mother. It isn't your fault he did this." She hugs me the best she could.
"Alright you two get going. You have a bit of a journey."
As we sneak around the halls my heart was steady hammering in my chest. I just know he'd kill us all if he knew we were leaving. I hug Cai's arm to my body, mostly for support, but for something to help my hands from shaking. My mother kisses my cheek before she opens the backdoor. I squeeze her arm as Cai leads me to the waiting carriage. My brothers were there keeping the horses quiet, and hooking everything up.
"Be good to her." My eldest brother, Burgess,told Cai.
"She'll have the world." Cai told him as he helped me into the carriage, shutting the door.
My brothers crowd the door, giving me sympathetic looks.
"We are so sorry we didn't stop him." My brother, Milgard tells me.
"You couldn't have stopped him. He has his own mind." I squeeze each of their hands.
"We have to get going, I'm sorry." Cai is standing behind them.
They all back up to the porch with mother, and as Cai walks to the reins it actually hits me I'm leaving my family. I wave to them as we ride away. I'm not even to the end of our road before I'm bawling my eyes out. It wasn't until Cai opened the door did I realize we had stopped.
Cai doesn't say anything, just steps inside, and pulls me into his side.

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