1.3 Vampire Duke Demitri 18+

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Duke Demitri 18+
Wrd count 3,096
Sensitive reader warning

Part 3
Dimitri P.O.V
It's been two days, and I haven't moved from my seat by her bed. I'm getting feral by the minute just looking at the linen wrapped around her neck. I can't believe she hasn't woken up yet. The maids have been helping her with liquids, and King Jule gave some help. She's just not waking up.
I deeply sigh as I finally stand to pour a glass of blood from the heating pot. I hope she wakes up soon so I can get something fresh. The kingdom has multiple donors to help vampires. That's why I can't believe he would go after her.
I growl as I drink my warmed blood. I look over at (y/n) as I set the glass down. Her chest looked like it was slowing down. I take a step closer, and I hear her heart skipping. I throw the chair I was sitting in out the way, it smashes against the wall. I grab her face softly.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wake up!" I try moving her, trying to wake her.
"Demitri!" I hear behind me.
I angrily push away the King as he tries to pull me away. I can't let her die like this I promised.
"Demitri, you have to change her now!" I hear King Jule yell from behind me.
"Love, I'm so sorry." I whisper against her forehead. "I hope you understand."
I gently move her head to the side, growling as I untie her neck linen. I can't believe I'm doing this without her permission. I softly kiss her lips as I taste the venom coming from my extended fangs. I bite over her attack marks, hopefully it will cover the horrible thing that happened to her. I can't help but enjoy my mate's sweet, smooth blood. The more I drink and the more of my venom she absorbs my body gets hit with the mate bond.
I keep my hand cradling the back of her head as I finally pull back. Her once white sheets are now red. I lift my head to let out an earth shattering growl. I look down at my blood covered mate, and she looks so angelic. King Jule walks to my side with caution.
''Demitri let's wash her up while the maids change the bedding." He softly speaks to me.
I pick (y/n) up in my arms as I follow behind him to her bathroom. He must have gotten it made. Jule leaves as I walk inside. Once I'm next to the tub I kneel, and start to take her gown off. I throw it into the fire next to us. Before I put her into the water I grab the rag from the small bucket that is next to the tub, and start to wipe off her blood. Once I finally got a good bit off I lower her into the tub. The water still turns a bit red. I lean her against my shoulder as I pour her bathing oil over her shoulders letting the scent of lavender to over take the room. I make sure to get every bit of blood off of her, but once I get to her face I have to stop to kiss her lips. My poor gorgeous mate, you will be so confused when you wake up. After I'm done I lift her up to wrap a soft linen around her. I lay her on her freshly made bed to dry her, and get her one of my button shirts she likes to wear while relaxing. She loves to tell me it's because the water is so hot she needs her body to breathe. I enjoy it for obvious reasons, it shows her body so much better than her dresses.
Once I have her in her bed I change my shirt, but when I walk out of the closet I drop to my knees. I know she will wake up, but hearing your mate's heart stop is something that will always stay with you. See if she were to ask to be changed it would be easier. She'd be prepared, I would be prepared, and I was hoping to give her an amazing last day as a human. Now she has to be constantly reminded that she had no option but to change. Now she has to wake up scared, not excited about her new ability.
I slowly get back into the new chair that is next to her bed. I will be right here for her when she wakes up, hopefully soon.

(Y/n) P.O.V
Something felt different. I can't really explain it, but when I open my eyes I can actually see the dust particles moving in the air. I rub my hand over my face, but I stop at my mouth. What in the world? I snap up, rather quickly.
"(Y/n)." I hear next to me.
I snap my head over to see Demitri sitting in a chair with a look filled with different emotions.
"Demitri what happened?" I can't feel my heartbeat. "I can't..."
"Love, I need you to just listen." He takes my hand, and it feels like my arm is covered in butterflies. "That is our mate bond you are feeling. It feels much stronger now, because while I was away you..." He sighs as my other hand goes to my neck. "I had to change you, because your heart was stopping. I.." he clears his throat. "I cleaned you up as the maids changed your bed. This happened last night." He looks to the floor instead of me. "I know you probably are upset you didn't get a chance to accept the idea of being changed..." He's stopped by my giggles. "You are laughing at this, why?" He was getting angry.
"Demitri..." I softly giggle as I try to stop. "I knew being a mate to a vampire that I was obviously going to be turned. Yes, I would've liked it to be my decision, but I can't leave you yet." I give him a smile.
He just scoffs before pulling me to his lap, kissing me hard. I hold onto the back of his neck as his hands move along my side, and back. My throat starts to burn like I swallowed a fire ember. I pull back with a whine.
"My throat." I whine holding my throat.
"Alright time to teach you how to eat. Luckily for you you just have to go to the donor quarters." He lifts me up to stand, and wraps my robe around me.
As we walk to the donor quarters Demitri explains that the donors are creatures and humans who gladly give their blood to the vampires. They get treated like royalty, without the politics, they get the glamor of it. We walk into the sitting area of donor quarters as many different creatures are walking around.
"Hi, would you like me to help you?" A petite satyr woman asks us.
"Yes please. (Y/n) is a newly made vampire, and she's hungry." Demitri smiles down at me.
"Oh (y/n) we've been waiting for you to arrive. We all were furious when we heard what happened. We don't appreciate force feeding." She gives me a reassuring smile. "I'll get you the list of who's in today. Now I don't know how much you know, but this list changes everyday." She hands me a scroll that has a list of names and what they are. "Mainly to make sure everyone is staying in top health, but some people just want to do their own thing." She giggles. "I would recommend a human so you know how it could vary to different creatures." She's so bubbly that I don't think she notices how fast she's talking.
"Also Love you don't have to bite only if you and your donor agree." Demitri says as he rubs my arms.
"Can you pick for me? I'm nervous." I timidly ask him.
"Of course, Love." He takes the paper from me.
"It'll get easier I promise." The satyr woman smiles at me.
Demitri hands her the piece of paper back, and tells her a name that sounds like a woman's name. We followed the satyr woman down the hall to an area that had many different beings walking around and talking.
"She's around here somewhere. Oh there." She points to a woman who's sitting at a table with other women.
She leaves as Demitri and I walk up to the table. The women look up to us with a smile.
"Excuse us ladies, but we need to talk to Charlotte for a moment." Demitri confidently talks to them.
"Yes Sir Demitri." They say as they get up from the table.
"What can I do for you?" Charlotte asks, looking between Demitri and I.
"(Y/n) is needing to be fed, and we saw your name on the donor list." He tells her.
"Oh okay. I'd love to help you." She smiles at me.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." I nervously smile at her.
"Love, are you comfortable biting?" Demitri asks, I shake my head no. "Then we'll drain." He looks at Charlotte.
"No problem. Let's get you a cup, and me a softer chair."
We laugh with her as we get up, and walk to her feeding room. As we walk they teach me how things work in the quarters. There are two fae healers for the donor quarters mainly for the donors that drain instead of getting bitten. They use their power to immediately close the wound so the donor doesn't get hurt. Also every donor gets a room that is their own, and with the money they are given for being a donor they can do as they wish with the area. Charlotte has a bright area with yellow bedding, yellow curtains, and white furniture. It is quite welcoming.
"It looks like heaven in here." I joke as we sit on her couch as Demitri gets my glass, and the knife that is needed.
"I know I love the color yellow, and it goes so well with white." Charlotte giggles. "I'm gonna get some purple fabric to get more color."
We get to talking about different ways she can use the fabric while Demitri gets one of the fae healers. Arlad gave me a quick hello before giving Charlotte her numbing herbs. They help numb her body long enough so she doesn't feel the cut. Demitri looked to Arlad for confirmation he could cut. I watched Charlotte's head lean back against her chair as Demitri cut her arm, and drained her blood into the glass. As it fills the large glass my mouth becomes painful. I whine as I grab my mouth.
"Here, Love." Demitri hands me the glass as Arlad grabs Charlotte's arm. "Your fangs come out when you are about to feed it hurts the first couple times." He tells me as I drink down the glass.
As I'm halfway done Charlotte is sitting up like nothing has happened. She gives me a smile as she grabs the bowl of fruit on the table. I sit the glass down with a deep sigh.
"Thank you." I tell her as I wipe my mouth with the handkerchief Demitri gave me.
"It's not a problem. If you want I can be your own personal donor until you get the hang of things." She offers.
"Are you sure?"
"Love, it's an honor to be a personal donor for a while, and it will help while you try to understand feeding." Demitri informs me.
"That'd be great Charlotte." I answer her, making her squeal excitedly.
As Demitri and I leave I get excited about everything else I get to do. I can hear just about anything, which I already learned is not as exciting as you might think. I walk into my chambers talking about the different thinking I could do, and according to him how much more gorgeous I am now.
"Are you saying I was ugly before I was changed, Demitri?" I joke, but I try to be serious.
"Of course not, Love. Your skin is just much clearer like you're an actual doll." He softly holds my face in his hands.
He looks at me like I'll disappear any second now. I then think of something that makes me angry at myself for just now thinking about it.
"Demitri? Are you okay?" I ask him, making him confused. "I mean with the whole changing me so soon." I put my hand over one of his.
"I can honestly tell you I wasn't ready for it, but I'll gladly do it again. I can't lose you completely. Yes your heart stopped, but you are here." He goes to keep talking, but I interrupt him.
"You heard my... oh Demitri." I tightly hug him.
"Love, everything became okay once your eyes opened." He kisses the top of my head as he rubs along my back.
I relax against him as he rubs harder, and somehow is able to hold me to his chest. I grip his bicep as I let out a soft moan. He kisses my forehead, making me look up at him with a loving smile. He bends down to kiss me sweetly, but I grab the back of his neck to hold him. He groans into the kiss making it deeper as his hands move to the knott of my robe. My hand moves to his hair as he moves into my robe to my back. His hands send that prickly feeling along my back.
"Demitri." I moan against his lips.
"I know, Love." He says against my lips.
His hands grip my waist as he lifts me up, my legs go around his waist as one of his hands goes under me as he carries me. I throw my robe in the room somewhere as we turn to the bed. I feel the softness of the bed hit my back letting Demitri lean over me. He reluctantly pulls back from kissing me to pull open the shirt I was wearing. I gasp at his strength, and from him kissing along my chest to my breast. He grabs one, playing with my nipple, and he lightly kisses my other nipple. His beard adds more to the sensation. It makes me actually moan out. I grip his hair in the back of his head. He begins to kiss down my stomach, to my mound he then kneels. My hips lift some when he lifts my thighs to his shoulders. When he starts to kiss around my thighs my body just relaxes to him, but he does something new.
"DEMITRI!" I scream out in pleasure from him biting my thigh.
My body deeply arches, my head falls back letting my mouth open wide. He holds my hip down as he licks the blood off my legs to my opening. I just grip the blanket, ripping it, as he just moves his tongue as moves around, and as deep as he can get it. He starts growling like he's a starved animal. I can't control my moans as he takes every bit of me with his mouth. He finally let my thighs rest, so he could stand.
"I forgot one last thing." He starts unbuttoning his pants. "Now that you are changed we are fully mated, and..." He takes his shirt off letting it fall next to the bed. "We can finally do something you've been questioning me about." His hands slide up my sides to let the torn shirt fall off as he moves us up to the pillows.
I let my hands feel along his body as he kisses mine, and kicks his pants off. I then figure it out.
"You mean?" I gasp.
"Yes." He gives me a quick kiss. "We can start that family." With that he slowly slides into me, my knees lock on his waist, and making mouth fall open with a silent gasp,
"Oh Demitri." My eyes close as I quietly moan.
"I swear I'll protect you all." He slowly moves his hands along my thigh to my hip as he slowly moves out to softly ram into me.
I, finally, let sound out in the form of a big moan as I let his words take my mind over in a permanent oath. I needed him to be there. My body feels like it's going to explode. He is moving so fast, I can feel his fingers dig into my hips as he gently lifts me, and moves me with his thrusts.
"Love, I..." He groans out.
My hips move on their own as he holds my hips, and I can't stop grinding against him. He let me do what I needed, but he stopped me by just ramming away. All I could do was grip the blanket, making it rip again, and rest my hand on his thigh.
"I will be filling you everyday until I give you your family, but you will beg me to stop." He leans back over me, caging me with his arms.
"Please Demitri." I moan before I grab his face to kiss him deeply.
He growls as he starts hitting that spot deep inside. I call it his spot, because he only hits it when he's close to finishing. I just lock my ankles together as his thrusts start to lose rhythm, but with how fast he's going my stomach tightens. His arms go around me like he is holding me. Mine go around his shoulders with a hand holding onto his hair. We both moan loud as we finish together in the best, hardest orgasim I myself have ever had. He flips us to have me laying on top of him. He plays with the ends of my hair as we rest together.

After a couple weeks with the help of Charlotte and Demitri I got the hang of my hunger. Charlotte became a close friend as well as a donor. She moved with me when I moved to Demitri's territory. I did keep her as my personal donor for her request and for emergencies when we learned I was with child. I had to get a fae donor, and another human donor because I was getting too hungry really quickly. Everyone has been so friendly, or helpful. I can't believe just a year ago I was locked in a dungeon, and I'm now a Duchess.

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