1. Werewolf Borg

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Growing up in Silentdew was always a mystery. You never know what would happen, or who would come through. Our kingdom was open to all sorts of people, because our King is Fae himself. We had faes, humans, orcs, vampires, demons, and many others that came through the kingdom's trading market. My mother would tell me stories of when humans would hunt these poor people, and still to this day some do. That is why they come here for the freedom to do as they please, within the law of course.
Today is porting day for most people, it is when traders would dock, and sell,or buy goods. I was helping mother lay out her fabrics. Mother was the best seamstress in the whole kingdom, and I was right behind her. My father was a blacksmith, but he died last year. When the King found out he died, with fight of my mother, still sent the monthly blacksmith allowance that he paid my father for his services. Mother sends him capes as "gifts". My mother doesn't like handouts, but the King is hard headed.
Mother only has a couple orders for some pregnant women, and she was so excited. They order some dresses, and some baby clothes. I was helping her cut the fabric they wanted when a big boat docks filled with men in kilts. It has been awhile since werewolves have come here. I was a child when the last clan came through. One by one they stomp up the docks to through the market, some stopping at some booths, and some just looking around.
"(Y/n) take over, so I can work on these orders." Mother tells me as she walks back inside.
I stood at the counter, fixing the fabrics, so they can be seen properly. I looked over at the water thinking of the different lands that could be out there. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice the two men standing in front of me until one of them clears their throat. I jump a little, turning, to see a blonde, and a brunette werewolves smirking at me.
"Oh... I'm sorry." I smile. "Can I help you?"
"Daydreaming lass?" The blonde one asks.
"It's hard not to." I laugh.
"We need new kilts." The brunette chuckles. "In this please." He hands me the blue plade my mother just got.
"Just you two?" I ask.
"Yes we ruined a pair during training." The blonde rolls his eyes.
"Come back here so I can measure you both." I guide them to the stepping post inside. "Mother I'll work on these. Did you get the baby clothes done?" I ask as the blonde guy stands in front of me..
"Yes, just these last three. What are you fine gentlemen buying today?" She smiles up at the brunette.
"Kilts ma'am." He tells her.
"Are you enjoying Silentdew so far?" She goes back to sewing.
"So far it's the best place I could be." He says as his friend turns to him.
"I'm going to go get some more supplies we lost." The blonde guy leaves.
After grabbing the measuring tape I walk around, getting distracted by his tanned, muscular body, in front of him.
"So do you boys have mates? I heard that's the greatest thing in this world." My mother asks.
"Yes ma'am" the blonde says with a smile. "My mate is the best woman I could ask for, but sadly young Borg here hasn't found his mate." He says.
I try not to touch him as I bring my arms around, but my arm brushes against his side. The tingle that shoots up my arm, and his deep growl, I jump back.
"(Y/n) are you alright?" Mother asks with concern.
I don't answer, my eyes are locked with Borg's, and he looks angry, maybe? He stomps out of the house, slamming the door behind him, causing mother and me to jump. His friend looks me over, then with a smug smile.
"I'm sorry about him. He has anger problems." He chuckles. "If you don't mind, we are the same size."
"Oh! Of course. (Y/n) you can go finish that last onesie." I nod.
As I sat there finishing up for my mother, and my mind can't get off his angry eyes. Once mother got the measurements she started on the dresses as I got to work on the kilts. They needed two each, and also needed sashes. I got done with the kilts, so I gave my hands a break by going outside. The cool air always would help the ache, and watching the stars was a plus. As I watch the sky I hear a howl in the woods, and it sounded sad. I hum the song mother would sing to me as a child as I walk toward the river. The way the wind picked up felt so relaxing, but I'm taken from my mind. A growl from a wolf that is coming toward me, and it looks like he has something in his mouth. I know I should go home, but I feel drawn to it. It drops the dead animal at my feet with a grunt, pushing it toward me.
"F..for me?" I ask squatting down.
I notice it is a rabbit, and the wolf nudges my hand before walking back into the woods. I carry the rabbit back home wondering what just happened. As I walk in, my mother is finishing a dress.
"What do you got there?" She asks.
"A rabbit. Do you think you can make gloves out of this?" I set the rabbit on the table.
"I'm sure I could. Where did you find this?" She asks before grabbing her knives.
"A wolf just dropped it at my feet." I sigh, taking a seat at the table, watching her.
"It.." She stops. "(Y/n) remember what your papa told you of mates?" She asks, going back to work.
"Some yes. A mate is when you have a soulmate that is only for you." I say, getting really confused.
"Well for the most part, but a mate is made from each other's soul. This bond can't be broken. When your mate is sick, hurt, or upset you feel it." She has a soft smile as she tells me.
"Mother, was papa your mate?" I ask.
"Yes he was. We didn't know if you would get a wolf, or any traits. When you turned thirteen, and didn't get a wolf we thought you were just a human." I take a deep breath. "You did get some traits. You can hear a bird flap its wings." She laughs. "You run faster than anyone, and you have healing ability. We thought since you didn't have a wolf, you wouldn't get a mate, but I guess we were wrong." She smiles.
"How would we know who it is?" I ask.
"Well whoever that wolf was I'm quite sure it is him, because he is bringing you animals." I look at her confused. "Wolves show affection by showing they can provide for their mate." She throws the rabbit skin in a bowl before cutting the meat up.
We talk some more about mates, and who he would be. I think she knows. After she finished cutting the meat I made rabbit stew, helped her put everything up, and we settled in for the night. As I laid there I couldn't stop thinking about mates. If he brings the animal, then I'm supposed to cook it, so maybe I should take him some. I grab a deep bowl, put on my cape, and walk back to the river. I don't know if he will come back, but hopefully he does. Well I didn't have to wait long, because I heard a soft growl toward the tree line. I look over, and it's the wolf from last time. I keep my eyes on his as I sit on the ground, waiting for him to come closer.
"I...um... I brought you some stew." I stammer, putting the bowl in front of him. "It's made from the rabbit you gave me."
He looks up at me before scarfing it down in seconds, and when he's done he looks up at me.
"That's all I brought." I pick up the bowl. "I'm sorry. I'll definitely bring you more next time...well..I mean..if you..." it looked as if he rolled his eyes before bumping me with his head. "I asked my mother to make gloves for me out of the fur. It is very beautiful, and soft." I look back toward my house. "Umm I should get going, but if you could give me a hint of who you are. Maybe come by the seamstress hut." I smile before walking away.
The walk home I wondered who he was, and couldn't figure it out. Once inside I realized I forgot the bowl. I shrug with a yawn, because I was not walking back.
It has been a couple days since I've seen the wolf. I got the bowl back, at my door the next morning, and animals for breakfast and dinner. It's just when I got to the river he didn't show up. Maybe it wasn't my mate after all, so I just got back to work. The Wolves that needed the kilts, came and got them, but it was only the blonde guy, Alik.
Today seems to be going longer than usual, so I work on a basket whole I hum. I'm stopped by someone blocking the sun, and Borg is standing there. He is clenching a bag in his hand, and he looks very confused.
"It will go with the rabbit fur." With that he left.
"The rab...what?" I am confused.
Opening the bag I pull out a neck wrap that is the same grey blackish color like the rabbit I got from the wolf. I jump up, looking at the wrap, and my heart is beating out of my chest. Before I know it I'm fast walking through the market, docks, and around town, but I come to a stop at the river.
"Where did he go?" I look toward the town.
With a sigh I put the wrap on, and sat next on the rocky shore. I can't believe Borg is my mate, or knows my mate. I wouldn't mind him being my mate, but I wish I knew.
"Little one?" A rough voice scaring me out of my thoughts.
I turn to see Alik with a soft smile. I jump to my feet.
"You know?" He nods. "Then where is he?"
"I don't know. I haven't seen him since he left earlier." He walks closer.
I sigh. "Can you tell my mate I will be here tonight? I'm done waiting." I say before walking away.
"He will be here." Alik yells after me.
Once home I kneel at my mother's lap, and cry. I wish he would just show himself. Mother pets my hair back as she tells me it will be alright. Mother didn't let me work the rest of the day, so I just sat around the house fixing a chair. Mother seemed to enjoy my relaxing time, because she would snicker to herself. After we ate dinner I wrapped some deer, and bread up. Since it was a cold night I was able to wear my gloves and wrap along with my cape. I sit in my usual spot by the river, build a small fire, and pick at the rocks around me. I watch the water as it gets darker, and slowly losing hope. After some time I hear a faint voice say no, go, or something like that, but when I look I see two big shadows walking toward me. Well ones being pushed. When they stopped in front of me I saw Borg was being pushed while Alik pushed him.
"I told you he'd be here." Alik smacks Borg's shoulder before leaving.
We just stare at each other before I grab the food basket, and hold it out to him.
"It's the deer." He lightly takes the basket. "I don't know how this works, but I would like to try." I look down at my hands.
He deeply sighs. "You don't want to be my mate, lass." He walks closer. "You'd get hurt. My wolf..he doesn't control himself." His hand moves his hair back.
"But when I saw your wolf it wasn't mean." I say confused.
"Because I had control. If I let him loose you'd be marked by now." He growls.
"Then how could you...we... I thought this bond can't be broken?"
"That's why I'm leaving. Your King needed my pack's help, and since that is done I need to leave." He looks at me.
"You'd rather leave, and hurt the both of us than to be with me?" I ask, my heart breaking.
He doesn't say anything, so I take that as my answer. I take off my gloves, and wrap, dropping them, before walking home. As I was wiping my eyes I didn't notice Alik walking to me until I bumped into him. I just ran away from him, and ran home. Mother looks at me with concern when I come in.
"He would rather leave than to be with me." I tell her as I walk to my bed.
As I lay there I hear a long howl, and it breaks me. I look out the window that faces the woods, and I see a big shadow walking around. I just lay back down, and hope I can get through this. After some time I hear a whimper, and it sounds close. I run to the door, and when I open it Borg is there in his wolf form. I just walked to my bed, and after a moment he climbs in beside me.
"I hope you don't leave." Is all I say as I fall asleep.
When I woke up, the next morning, his long hair black hair was everywhere, one arm was under my head, my leg was on his, and my head on his chest. He is so warm I never want to get up, but I know I have too. As I slowly try to get up the arm under my head pulls me closer to him, and when I look up his deep green eyes are staring at me.
"Where you going lass?" His scruffy voice asks.
"I...um" I didn't have an answer.
He just smirks at me as he moves my hair away from my face. He lightly lifts me as he sits up, and he sits me on his lap. When I look up in his eyes I watch his eyes turn black.
"I'm not leaving (y/n). I'm sorry I upset you." He lightly kisses my forehead. "My pack was only here for business, but they wanted to settle here before anyone else was hurt. I took over, because faes killed my parents. I didn't want to settle under a fae, and when I found you. I got mad, because I knew we would have to settle." His fingers softly rub my arm. "I can't have you hurt, but I know I can't leave without you hurting. Without us hurting."
I just lay my head on his chest, and relax into him. I can feel and hear him take a breath. I smile to myself as I realize that I have a mate. He starts to rub his cheek on the top of my head.
"Borg?" I sit up.
"Yes love."
I grab the back of his neck as I kiss him deeply. He grabs my hips as he kisses me back, and as he lays me back we hear a group of howls. He growls as he looks out the window.
"I hate being the Alpha sometimes." He says, making me giggle.
He gives me a soft kiss before jumping out the window, shifting, and running into the woods.
"So I see you'll need your own cabin?" My mother asks, scaring my soul.
"Gods mother!'' I fuss holding my chest.
She laughs as she walks away. Throughout the day men would stop by the booth with different goods, and bow to me. I asked mother if she knew what this was, and she only shrugged.


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