pt1 2.Halforc Captain Hamal

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2. Half Orc Captain Hamal
Brief SA/Suicide warning

(Y/n) pov
Ever since I could remember I've always worked, but when my parents died it tripled. I had to pay for the house they left me, which is falling apart. I lived next to the main tavern in town, so it only made sense to take the job as bar maiden. Every night I serve all different creatures along with humans, so it can be a lot more rambunctious than people are used to. During the day I try to fix my home, but can only get so much done with the four hours before I have to leave.
Today starts like every other. I eat, then start hammering the boards to the wall. I'm halfway through the main wall when someone bangs on my door. I keep hold of the hammer as I answer the door. The King's guard is standing there with three of his followers. You see they just run the town how they see fit, and that meant tormenting the poor people that live here.
"We've gotten complaints of this eye sore." His voice tries to boom, but I swear he's pushing it too hard.
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm trying to work as fast as I can, but it's only me." I plead.
"Well no wonder. A woman can't build a fire let alone fix a house." He and his group laugh at what he believes to be a joke.
"Well if that's all I'm gonna get back to work." I try to shut the door, but he moves his way inside.
"When I say complaints I mean they want this hole gone." He looks around the small house as two if his followers come inside with him. "However I can ignore this eyesore for some simple payment." He smirks at me, his eyes look down to me gripping the hammer tighter.
Before I could blink he ripped the hammer out of my hand, and threw it across my kitchen. I try to run to the backdoor. Of course he grabs me, but by the back of my hair. He uses my hair as a guide to move me to the couch my father built, throwing me face first onto it. With my dress getting ripped, to them tying my hands to the armrests, and them laughing as they grabbed at me I black out. I still see, feel and hear everything that is going on. I just lay there, helpless. Once they are done I'm cut from the armrest, and left there with one leg hanging off the side, my face in the cushion, and the sharp pain in between my legs. With some miracle strength I sit up gasping at the pain shooting through my whole body. I look around what's called my home, but now it's nothing but a nightmare. A reminder of death, pain of loss, pain of force, and just pain of work. I sit there for I don't know how long before I realize it's dark. I take a deep sigh as I gather myself to grab the pieces of dress on the floor.
Something seems to snap in my brain as I slowly stand on my feet as I look around. I go to the closet where I keep my clothes, and grab a random dress. Once it's somewhat on I give one last look before leaving, and walking through this awful town. My daze-like eyes scan the town, and the forest as I walk ahead. I feel the forest floor poke at my feet.

Hamal pov
Everyone is laughing, cheering their drinks, overall having a good time. I look around the tavern for a certain (h/c) bar maid. I was actually going to talk to her this time. I've had enough of my own men making their own practical jokes about me. It's getting dark out, when I notice she still isn't here. I'm lifting my beer to my lips as Talen, a werewolf that has been on my crew for years, comes hurling through the people with a worried look on his face.
"There's something wrong with (y/n)."
"What do you mean?" I immediately sit up, slamming my beer mug down.
"I saw her walking in the town with this off look, and when I got close I smelt blood, and different human smells. When I came here she was heading to the woods." He hurries out.
I don't even respond, I just run out of the tavern to the woods. I can smell her blood like it's an arrow. I see a clearing up ahead, but when I come through I see my (h/c) haired barmaid standing on the cliff.
"(Y/n) don't!" I try to get her attention, but she jumps.

(Y/n) pov
I heard a deep voice yell at me, but it's too late. I'm hearing wind in my ears blocking everything out. My body crashes with the cold water making me lock up. I open my eyes to see the bubbles clear as I sink lower. I'm almost to the ground when my chest tightens. As my body makes contact with the ground I see two long cloud-like things swim around in a circle above me. I'm in awe as they come closer, and see half human octopus, and a mermaid. They grab my arms, swimming me to the top, making me gasp for air. I'm coughing as I'm squinting my eyes at them while they hold me up.
"You stupid girl! Why would you do that?" The octopus woman firmly talks.
"Octia please the poor thing doesn't need you berating her for her choices. Let's just get her to Kelim. Hopefully he can get all the water out of her lungs." The mermaid tries to reason.
I feel tentacles wrap around my waist, and arms around my shoulders guiding me to the small cave that was under the cliff. We go through a portal of some kind like pushing through a thin sheet. I'm placed on a dock with the mermaid sitting next to me.
"I'm sorry." I say softly as I black out.
I go in and out of consciousness. At one point I'm in a tent, the next a man is upside down looking at me, another I'm alone, but the final time I wake up I'm surrounded by a group of women, some with worried faces, some with curiosity, and some just looking at me. They gasp all at once, but the mermaid that helped me moves away. I stay just how I am until I see a man look over a woman's head.
"Good, you're awake. You gave the girls a fright." I just look at him. "I'm Kelim the doctor of this island, if you will. Sadly we don't know why you jumped, but you have a lot to learn. I got the water out of your lungs." He helps me sit up.
"Why would they help me?" I finally ask.
"Well I saw you jump, and Nixie felt your sadness. She says she felt something wanting to hold you." Octia answered.
I deeply sigh as I look at the cabin we were in, and how the water women are able to be inside from a small pool in the floor.

Hamal's pov
My men have kept their distance as we load up the ship. You could say I've been in a harsh mood these past couple of weeks, would be an understatement. I watched the woman I cared for deeply jump to her death, and I have a deep imagination of why. Talen was able to sniff out which scent it was, and found three of the King's guards as the owners. I take them to the forest, and let my men do as they wished with them as I sat on the edge of the cliff.
"We're all loaded up sir." A demon crewman softly tells me.
We set sail through the deep sea. It doesn't take long for a storm to come through. My life has just plummeted. The storm gets rougher as we try to fight the currents. As waves push and pull my ship I see what look like arms moving the waves. I glide as much as I can with the wind, and waves. My ship evens it as the wind dies down, but it's going to close to rocks. My men are pointing at things in the water. I see men and women merfolk push the ship in the direction of the land. My men start to shout, but when the elves are trying to calm everyone down.
"It's a portal. Relax!'' They yell to the others.
A portal? Why are they taking us there? We go through the portal to a whole other world full of different creatures. I point to the anchor to signal I'm stopping, and yell to the men to drop anchor. I watch from my wheel as my men jump from the sides to meet with the others. I watch as merfolk go onto land, crowding this certain cave.

I ignore it, thinking that it is their home, but when I see (h/c) hair come up from the water of the cave. My hands drop to the ship's railing, gripping it to the point of almost breaking it. The merfolk women move her to the front. I get a better look at my barmaid that has fins coming from out of her head. I watch her in complete awe like if I blinked she'd be gone. She moves with so much elegance as she moves in the water. I quickly grab a net as she gets to the ship's side. I pull her over the edge, finally having her in my arms.

"I watched you jump." I couldn't believe she's here.
"I...I know. Nixi, Octia, and Kelim helped me get my tail." She turns to the group of merfolk women. "I have a family again." She seems to be talking mostly to herself, but it makes me smile. "I heard you yell." She turns to me in a timid voice.
"I couldn't lose you, but I understand why." I sit on the bench I have behind my wheel. "One of my men, Talen, saw you walk through the town, and saw how dazed you were. Also since he's a werewolf he smelt..." I stop myself from saying anymore."Sadly I was too late." I lean my head against the side of hers. "I've watched you every night since I docked in that dreadful town. How you'd serve so many people with that darling smile, and even with my rambunctious crew, you laughed." I chuckle at a memory from my crew members falling off a table trying to dance on top. "I just couldn't keep my eyes off of you, and now I don't think I ever will." I look down at her tail causing her to giggle.

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