2.3 Demon Toran

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Part 3
Toran P.O.V
I watch as her face tightens up as she sleeps. King Jule said it was painful for power being released to its normal self, and the reason she needs to be sleeping. I had to make myself put her hand down by her side, and I started moving around the room.
"Toran?" Jule calls from his spot on the couch.
"I'm....how much longer?" I could hear my voice on edge.
"A couple more hours." He sighs. "The bond must be getting stronger. Did you reject her?"
"No. I can't." I rub down my face.
"Good, because you both need each other." He looks at (y/n). "She might be able to calm you down." He says this to himself.
"Shut up." We chuckle.
Over the next couple of hours I watch the sunset. (Y/n)'s whimpering has quieted down some. King Jule left, and came back just a few minutes ago. I hope she wakes up calm, and has the answers she needs.
With I sigh I walk away from the window to stand next to her bed. I watch as she starts to softly smile. It is like she is having the best dream. I chuckle at the situation, making Jule walk to my side. He gently takes hold of her hand, and after a couple moments he smiles down at her.
"She accepted her siren's side. She's getting visuals of her form." He rubs her arm. "She'll be fine."
I finally calmed down enough to steal an apple from her food tray. I move to the couch she had for me, and I just wait.

(Y/n) p.o.v
Harsh movement jerks me around left, right, upside down, turns me around, and finally I'm floating on my back as if I'm in water. Something like a curtain comes across my face. A hand takes hold of mine to steady me. Once I'm finally right side up I open my eyes to meet the most gorgeous creature. Her (h/c) hair floats so elegantly along her face, neck, and shoulder while most just floats up. I realized the curtain that ran over my face was her tail. I am completely amazed.
"(Y/n) I'm so glad to finally be one again." Her angelic voice just hits me.
"Who are you?" I finally get out, and she just giggles.

"I am you

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"I am you. I am called Amara. I was locked away for important protection." She gives my hand a gentle squeeze. "You have the highest power of our people, and Amphitrite herself gave you the power."
"Why me?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Because you were born in the sea. Your Mother was stretching her tail, if you will, and you came earlier than anyone could predict." She giggles like she told a joke. "Everything will come together once we are united again." She backed up a bit. "Just relax a bit."
She gives one last smile before swimming around me like a tornado, and everything starts stinging my arm and legs. My body starts to contort around as fins come out of my arms, and a tail just like Amara's. I notice my gills forming as everything turns black.

When everything seems to have calmed down I open my eyes. I'm still in bed, like I had a dream. I turn my head, and I'm greeted by a pacing Toran and King Jule smiling at me. I can feel my body welcoming something, but I also felt so much worry. My eyes start to water when I look at Toran. King Jule clears his throat to get Toran's attention, and nods toward me. Toran looks at me, but gasps instead of coming to me.
"Is something wrong?" I ask, looking back and forth to them.
"I'll let you two speak." King Jule leaves.
As he walks out Toran and I just look at each other. Once the door is shut he walks with purpose toward me. I slightly sit up as he simply picks me up onto his lap. From his body heat mine just relaxes against his chest. I love how it feels to be in his arms. I can only hope he actually wants to be my mate.
"Love, I can feel your doubt." He sighs, running his hand along my back. "I suppose I should tell you why I reacted to you the way I did. As you know I'm older than you, and I hope I don't hurt you when I explain this." He rests a hand on the back of my head like he's keeping me in place. "I don't know how to begin this. Before the war started I was married to my life long friend, and we were expecting a child. King Jule was about to tell us what our baby was going to be, boy or girl. When this heavy group of humans came battling through our little town we had. King Jule told every woman and child to run as far as they could, but the humans expected that, capturing them all in cages. Us men fought the best we could." As Toran told his story he was looking off like he was picturing everything happening all over again, and I could feel his hurt. "The humans took us to what this Kingdom was, and locked us all up. I tried so hard to find my wife, but with it being so crowded it was useless. I didn't see her again until they pushed us demons into the fighting ring for their awful Hunting Games. I tried to get to her, but another female killed her. I do not blame her now because it was for survival." He finally moves his head to look down at me as tears soak my face. "Love please don't cry. I swear I only ran because I was scared. What if I can't protect you too." He holds me tighter to his chest.
"I'm so sorry you went through that, and I can't begin to understand how you feel. Even when we're connected." I can't believe he went through that, and I'm crying like it has happened to me.
We sit in this same position until I actually calm down enough to look up at him, and when I do he just smirks at me. I can feel his emotions course through me, and I tap his chest.
"I'm sitting here upset for you, and you are just..." I'm stopped by Toran kissing me.
His lips feel a lot more soft than they look. As I start to kiss him back the bond snaps us together completely, and I can't hold back my whine. He turns me to be facing him better, so I'm straddling his lap. Something runs up my spine making my body shiver, and I just feel like letting go. I push Toran to lay back as I run my hands down his chest and hard stomach. I feel him get hard making me softly grind down against him. I lean my head back, and moan. Toran stops moving his hand, and sits up, looking at me with a look of amazement.
"Someone found their siren voice." He simply says as he softly grabs my chin. "I need to make you sing more." He quickly flips us.
I giggle as he hurries to slide my dress off, and he just smiles at me before giving me a soft kiss. He kissed along my body as he undressed himself. I couldn't stop looking at his body. Once his lips made contact with my hip I arched a little, and looked at him with a gasp. He watches me as he slowly and softly runs his finger to my center. He starts to move his fingers in a circle, my eyes close as my head falls back. His fingers begin to push inside stretching up, and he pumps them fast. I didn't stop my moans as he got faster. The louder I would moan the faster he would pump his fingers. My stomach was tightening, and pulls his fingers out.
"Tor..." I was about to yell at him for stopping, but when I opened my eyes he had his fingers around himself moving my slick around.
He then grabs my legs, pushing them to my chest, and as he rubs against my opening he kisses my ankle. My soft moan is caught in my throat as he slides in completely. He sits there for a moment. He doesn't move until I whine, and I move against him. His hands move to the back of my knees to move my legs open, but keep them in the same position. With my legs open he can now lean down to kiss me deeply as he starts to very slowly move out, and then slowly move back in until his hips are connected to my ass. I hold the back of his neck as he keeps kissing me, but when he starts to ram into me. I can't help the scream I let out.
"That's what I want to hear." He groans. "Keep singing, Love."
He lets go of my legs as he leans back down, and I lock my legs around him. He softly grabs the back of my neck with one of his big hands, with his other hand he locks his fingers with mine, and holds it over our heads. I can't stop any type of moan that leaves my mouth, and from Toran's groans I think it's making him get close. I start to feel something like a wave move over my body and it makes me arch against Toran's chest. I let out a complete soul finishing moan as my orgasim takes over. Toran doesn't let up as he watches me let go, and his hold on the back of my neck tightens. As I start to come down Toran lets out a deep groan as he finishes.
He lets go of my neck letting his hand run down to my thigh, giving it a squeeze. I grip his hand as my body just moves softly under his, my foot runs up his leg, my chest rubs against his, my head falls to the side relaxed. His hand just holds my thigh to his waist just squeezing and gripping. He finally pulls back only to lay next to me.

Over the next few months I had to learn to control my power. Toran kept the title as my guard even though he could've moved on, but he decided to stay by my side. Having him as my guard does help when I need feeding. I learned my siren side is always calling to him, so it didn't surprise us when I became pregnant. While I was pregnant Toran became much more of a shadow, and would carry a basket of fruit for me. Once our son Taret was born we were shocked when he came out with demon and siren marks. As Taret grew he ended up growing more like a siren with demon power. He even got his father's horns. Sadly Taret is our only child, but once he got old enough to start classes. I became a teacher for the orphanage for the other sirens, as well as the witch children, so I became a mother to many children.

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