1. Demon Caine 18+

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Succubus reader

Caine's P.O.V
             Being a guard for a Kingdom like Silentdew was a very easy job, but being the King's guard was a bit difficult. We took care of threats on the kingdom, the attacks on the kingdom, and took turns watching over the King. King Jule is a fair ruler, makes sure we are taken care of, and makes sure we stay healthy. 
        I've been feeling on edge lately, and I know King Jule could sense something.

"Caine, is something wrong?" He asks.
"I feel something is going to happen. I just wish I knew what." I simply tell him. 
"We will keep this between us, and stay cautious." He gave me reassurance.

             We are interrupted by a guard knocking on the door, and informing us that the rescue ship is back from the last standing human kingdom. The smell of lavender filled the room as the group filled the throne room. When King Jule started walking toward the group a fae man stood in front of him like a protector of those people. King Jule told us guards to stand down as he and the fae have a binding handshake. 

"I don't know if those stories of that horrible place are true, but I want you all to know you are all free here. You are protected." He calls out. "But sadly I need to know what has happened to you, so we can get the proper care for you. All you will have to do is take my hand, so I ask permission to read into your mind." Many of them nod, and some just wait. 
          I notice some of the women look at a (h/c) hair woman, who looks like a fae but has demon markings, and her (e/c) holds mostly anger with pain mixed in. One by one they stepped up to King Jule. Certain people I could tell just by how his face looked had a tough time, but he never made a comment. He would write a letter, and send them to a guard. Most of the women waited for one another, so when the woman came closer I could tell the scent from earlier was her. My body was already taking hers in, and my legs almost gave out from all the pain. I was almost jealous of the King, because he was able to touch her hand. It wasn't until he stepped back with a shocked expression. 

"You're… alright. Do you even want to stay here?" The King asks. 
"I just want to be with my girls. I have nothing left for me." Her soft like voice carries over me. 
"You all will be in the same cabin." He promises. 

          With a nod she leaves to go back to the women, and helps them with their papers. It was simple papers telling them which doctor could help their certain species with how to teach them how to control their power, hunger, and mental state. 
          King Jule comes to me with a very sorrow filled face, but I have to follow that woman. 

"It's her. I have…." I rushed out. 
"I'd be careful Caine. She's well...she's lost." He mumbles. "Come back in an hour. I believe I know what this is." He says as he walks away. 

(Y/n) P.O.V 
          After a long day of meeting doctors, and teachers the King had a guard show us where we will be living until the girls decide to move on, and I could tell the girls are loving it. I knew just by the feel of the land we were safe here, however that guard in the throne room awakened something inside me. It's like my demon side was calling to him, and I knew he was a demon. I just don't know why he was the demon that it was calling too. After making sure everyone was alright I went and sat on the front steps of the cabin, to try to get some relaxation time, and just finally get my head around being free. I get a very intense feeling in my stomach as I hear movement by the far gate, and coming through it was the guard from the throne room. It looks like he is trying to find something as his head moves left to right, but continues to walk. He turns his head to me, looking eyes with me, causing him to pause for a moment before walking to me with a purpose. I stand at the top of the stairs, and he stops at the bottom.

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