1. Dark Elf Bram 18+

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1. Dark elf Bram 18+
Wrd count: 3,424

(Y/n) P.O.V
I think every creature has their own version of the boogeyman. For us elves it was the dark elves. It all began, like every bad thing, with war. Dark elves and elves fought over, well it wasn't exact what they were fighting over. Some say it was for land, some say it was over a woman, and some say it was a long generation hatred for each other. My brother Jule always tells me even though they grow the darkness of the world, we are still the same. To be honest I always loved the fuchsia that I found when I decided to press the guards. I went past the territory lines, just a few feet, but I found this patch of them just hanging off of vines. The guards caught me before I could pick one.
Today I've decided to push the guards some more, mainly because they think I answer to them. Instead of laughing in their faces I decided to get them yelled at by my father. He doesn't care much about me wondering just them missing the opening. I have to give it to the guards. They really do a great job. I just know better ways, considering that I have the ability to make plants grow.
"She went this way. I just know it." I heard a guard from under me.
I'm sitting on my outgrown branch, looking down at a group of guards looking around. I have to hold myself from laughing, because for elves themselves they really are stupid. I keep switching branch to branch enjoying the hummingbirds pick at my dress, and the other tree animals just run around me. I'm about to cross to the dark forest when the animals run back to their homes. I stand on my branch overlooking the forest, then over to the caves. Everything seems to stop, but the bats are still flying.
"Do you think you should be over here?" A deep voice comes out of nowhere making me fall off my branch.
I quickly make two branches catch me, and place me on the ground. I look up to a dark elf watching me as he nonchalantly walks down his steps made of branches. He looks a little different than I'm used to seeing dark elves. Most are like a wild thorn bush, but he has twigs that twist around his body to make his clothing, with dark leaves slicked back as hair.
"Who are you?" I ask strongly, trying to cover my nervousness.
"It doesn't matter when you shouldn't be here, and will be leaving soon." He smoothly tells me.
"I'm not leaving until I get my flowers, and besides who is going to make me leave." I roll my eyes as I walk away.
"You came to the dark forest for flowers? Flowers?" He laughs.
"Well yes. I saw them the last time I was here, and I can't stop thinking about them." I continue to walk toward the small field flowers.
"Which ones?" He asks with some sort of curiosity.
"The fuchsia flowers." I look back at him.
He gives me a grunt in response, but stops walking. I'm confused for a minute before I turn to keep walking, but I only get a couple of feet before the guards are in front of me. I curse under breath as the head guard steps to me.
"Oh just save it. I already know "your father is calling for you" I swear you'd think I was actually running away." I mock him from the past times he's come to get me even when I have adventured around even in my own kingdom.
"If you would just stay where you are supposed to..."
"I'm not something he can just move around when he deems fit. I'm a living thing that needs to move around. Besides, I was only coming for flowers." I push the group away as I walk away from them.
I grumble under my breath as we walk toward the kingdom. I can't deal with this anymore. The only thing that calmed me down was a small hedgehog that ran into his little home. Once we step into the bright forest I'm blinded, and crowded by the hummingbirds, butterflies and bees that enjoy my dress. I can't shoo them away, but I really want to have some space. My father and brother are waiting for me at the forest opening. My father immediately starts yelling as soon as he sees me.
"Why must you always defy me?! I try to keep you safe from those awful creatures, and all you do is run toward them!" He starts yelling.
"Father calm down." Jule tries to step in front of him.
"No! She wants to be with them so bad, then why don't you go live with them! Then you will see just how good it is on this side!" I'm shocked he actually said that to me.
"Father, you know you don't mean that. Besides, she was only going for flowers. What can that harm?" Jule gives me a reassuring smile.
"You knew she was going over there?!" Father asks, his face was turning redder by the second.
I got a little scared to say anything. This is the first time my father has actually yelled at me, I mean for this I've been yelled at before. I see movement to the side above us, and when I look I see nothing but darkness. I'm brought back when my brother grabs my hand. When I look toward him I notice my father is gone.
"You okay?" He asks me with concern.
"Oh I'm fine. So am I completely banned?" I ask him with a laugh.
"Not completely, but I think you should just stay in your place for now." He tries to help.
"My place? What's my place?" I snap. "Do you know how frustrating it is just to sit around and just wait for father to give me away? Huh at least you get to decide or find your mate, father has already started finding me a man." I sigh before walking back to my chambers, leaving Jule there.
I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, and only left when I was called to dinner. As I walk to the dining hall I think of that dark elf how he just carried himself like he was an oak tree, but he talked like he made wind. He was quite interesting.
"Finally! I've been waiting years for you." Jule whines as I walk into the hall.
"Oh please I came as soon as I was told." I wave him off, sitting across from him. "Besides, father isn't here yet." I shrug.
The humorous face Jule once carried snapped down to his empty plate. I watch him as he picks at the food on the table. I look to my father's seat then to Jule.
"Jule, where is father?" I quietly ask.
"He..um" He clears his throat. "He's meeting with King Bram." He simply tells me.
"Jule, please tell me I'm your sister." I practically beg.
He sighs. "(Y/n) I want to tell, but I honestly don't know. All he said was "Bram's here to help certain things." I wish I could tell you." He looks me in the eyes when he says his quick response.
"Certain things?" I mumble to myself as I think back to earlier today.
Could he really just get rid of me? Father walks in, followed by someone, with a smile on his face. I watch him as he walks to his seat, while his guest sits at the other end. Father takes a deep breath as he lifts his hand to his guest.
"King Bram will be with us for the next couple of days." He announces before continuing. "He's going to help secure our lands from our enemies." He then lets us begin eating.
I knew he was doing this to stop me from leaving the grounds. I can't believe all this fuss over some flowers. As dinner went on with no speaking, and once I was finished I left back to my room. I huff as I sit on the chair next to the fireplace, but when I open my eyes I gasp. On my side table is a bouquet of fuchsia flowers. I see a card before I pick them up.

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