1.2 Vampire Duke Demitri 18+

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Vampire Duke Demitri 18+

Y/n P.O.V.
The past couple months have been the best, a new free world, and that's thanks to King Jule. During my days with Kiva she teaches me sewing, and Demitri would take me around the marketplace. The rest of my day I spend in my room reading, or with Demitri talking and eating what we found at the marketplace.
From how terrible my father was to so many people I still worry someone will try something. When I'm with Demitri I feel protected, but when I'm alone I'm always looking around. Demitri and I have become very close, but he's leaving for a meeting. I try to relax myself, which is hard, even with King Jule's resurgence.
When King Jule took over he gave all his high ranked knights titles, there are north, south, east, and west. Demitri has control of the East territory, Duke Octavus, a werewolf, took over the North territory, Duke Klaus, a demon, took over the southern territory, and then Duke Baret, an orc, took over the west territory. The main castle sits dead center of the land. that is why Demitri is leaving, all the Dukes are coming together for some meeting.
As it got closer for Demitri to leave he kept asking me if I wanted to come with him, but I didn't want to get in the way of this meeting. I didn't know if they would be bothered by me there, or Demitri would get distracted.
"Love?" I hear him call from the beginning of the shelves.
"Back here." I answer as I put my book down.
I hear his footsteps as they walk toward me, and when he finally comes out of the labyrinth of shelves he smiles at me.
"I'm sorry it took longer than normal. King Jule needed my help with the defense wall." He kisses my cheek.
He had business with King Jule, in the throne room, so that's why I came into the library, which is right next to it. I knew eventually he'd smell me out.
"So you're blaming someone I can't yell at is very rude. I can't believe you'd do that." I sass, trying to hold back my smile.
"Of course I will when I told him you were in here, and..." I giggle at his serious ranting. "You vile little creature. I knew you'd bug me for all eternity" I couldn't control my laughter as he picked me up, and he sat with me on his lap.
"I don't think you mind it so much considering you haaave to be next to me." I lean my back on his chest with a smug smile.
My smile slowly leaves as I feel his breath on my ear, and his arms hold me tighter.
"I couldn't survive a day without seeing you or touching you." He softly kisses under my ear.
"Demitri." I give a shocked gasp.
He moves me, so I'm sideways on his lap as he leaves soft kisses to my collarbone. I have to use his shoulder to muffle my whimper from the others here in... the... LIBRARY.
"Love, we are still in the library." I try to get his attention.
"What?" He pulls back with confusion.
"Library." I point behind me.
He looks behind me before he lifts me to my feet, and before he takes my hand, he helps me with my dress. Giving me a kiss on my forehead he guides me through the halls, and it isn't until we get closer I realize he's taking me to my room. I sit on the bench at the end of the bed as he locks the door, and takes his coat off. He walks to me with his handsome smile.
"I don't know how I'm going to last all week without you." His hands run to the back of my head. "I've gotten used to having you next to me." He softly kisses my lips.
His hands run down my body as I grip the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. In a swift motion, my legs are around his waist, and he's crawling up the bed.
"I'll be waiting right here when you come back." I whisper in his ear.
That somehow broke his control, so that caused him to tear my dress in half. As he kisses me along my stomach I can feel his fangs, and I catch myself from wanting him to bite me. When he finally gets to my chest I'm able to pull his shirt apart, and feel his cool body on my burning one. He takes hold of my face as he leans over me, and kisses me softly. I couldn't stop myself from grinding against him as we kiss, but he just grips my leg to his hip.
"I swear I'm going to hurry back." He whispers in my ear as he takes his pants off, not leaving from his spot.
Before he could move I grabbed the back of his neck to pull him into a deep kiss, only to gasp as he entered me completely. His hands cage my head in place when he rams quickly, making me arch against him, and having my legs locked around him. I push the heels of my feet into his lower back causing him to go faster. Unable to control my screams I turn to his arm to bite his wrist, but he pulls it away to grip my chin.
"No biting, Love." He smirks down at me as he continues to move inside me.
He knows what that smirk does to me, so when I feel my stomach tighten I dig my nails into his sides. As we release he groans into my ear, and I moans out. I try to catch my breath as he slowly pulls away, to lay down.
"Here." He puts me on his chest.
"Demitri?" I ask as he starts playing with my hair.
"When your territory is finished..." I stop. I don't want him to run.
"What is it?" He softly asks.
"I was wondering if it would be easier if I moved there, so you wouldn't have to travel so much." I roll my eyes in embarrassment.
"My love..." He moves all my hair to the side as he gently lifts my face. "I was hoping you would come to my castle, so I had an area in my room, just for you, but if you'd like I'd have a room made for you instead."
My body moved on its own, crawling up his body with a wide smile on my face as I kissed him deeply. We spent his last day in my room, but only left to go to the kitchen. He still wanted me to come, but I told him he had meetings to pay attention too.
I stood at the main door as he rode away, waving goodbye, and then spent the rest of my day in the bedroom. The next couple days were like usual, but the time I'd spend with Demitri I'd either go to the library or kitchen. I've learned I'm I'm very good cook, and can't wait for Demitri to come back to show him. I know he doesn't get much nutrition from the food, but he can still enjoy it.
Today I was learning a new recipe the chef gave me, and so far I was doing pretty good. The head cook joked saying I could take her job, but I'd never do that. I was walking toward the flour when I'm pulled back, and thrown into shelves in the cupboard.
"You should've died like that bastard." Is all I hear before I feel a sharp burning pain in my neck, and then everything goes black.

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