2.2 Demon Toran

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2.2 Toran

Part 2
Toran P.O.V.
She of course is my mate, but I can't be hers. I can't hurt her like everyone else in my life. I can sense Jule in the library, so I walk inside, closing the door behind me. Jule is sitting at a desk, looking over a book.
"Did you know she is my mate when you signed me to be her guard?" I immediately ask.
"Yes." He answers after a deep sigh. "I can't disturb the fate of mates."
"Jule, you know I can't be her mate, so why push us together?"
"I didn't push. I promised her mother to guard her with my best guard, and that happens to be you. I don't see the problem." He stands to put the book away.
"If I lost her I..." I rub my hand over my face. "Jule I just can't."
''Toran, ever since we were kids, you have been the toughest person I know, and that's why you are an important person to me. I've seen you defeat dragons, but now you are scared of happiness." He shakes his head as he stands in front of me. "Well you better hurt her quickly, because I'm unlocking her power tomorrow." He says with a neutral voice.
"She's been through enough." I grumble.
"Then be a man, and go to your mate. Many of us don't get that opinion." He mumbles the last part before leaving the library.

Y/n P.O.V.
I woke this morning to a maid trying to be as quiet as she can while setting a tray down before lightly stepping out. While I walk to the table I notice Toran isn't here, so I thought maybe he was in the hall. I slowly open the door to look around the empty hall. I get dressed after eating breakfast, and sit for Toran to come. I sat there for an hour before coming to the conclusion he wasn't coming. I remember King Jule telling me the library is next to my room, so I suppose I'll just stay in there today. Maybe I could find something on hybrids.
I'm stopped in my tracks when I see Toran asleep on the smallest couch I've ever seen, could've been him just making it look that way. I didn't want to bother him, so I just went to the catalog. He must have really needed the rest if he's still sleeping. Looking through the S,W,H and D drawers to find any books that could help. After finding only one book on sirens, a handful of witch history, and a couple of books on hybrids.
I'm about to reach a demon book when a core tightening growl echoes through the library, and then the doors slamming. I slowly walk to the end of the bookshelf, and notice Toran is gone.
"He must have sensed me here." I mumble to myself.
With a deep breath I walk to the desk. Where I've started my own collection of books, and as I sit I grab the hybrid book. I'm not even halfway through the fourth page when the library door is broken down. A frantic Toran looked around, causing me to drop my book to the floor. This caused his attention to snap on me. I sit there in shock as he stomps toward me. He gently grabs my cheeks, making me look up at him, and even though his body is still tense his face softens. He looks me over before letting me go.
"How long have you been in here?" He asks softly.
"An...an hour or so before you woke up." I stutter.
"You should've woken me, love." He sighs as he looks at me.
"I didn't think I should have. I was just looking for my books." I tell him the, almost, truth. "Why did you growl when you woke up?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.
"I realized I overslept, and didn't want you roaming by yourself." He seems honest.
"And you probably don't want to get in trouble with King Jule." I try to joke with a smile, but he seems confused. "You know... with being my guard you're supposed to stay on top." I stumble to explain.
He gives me a smirk before walking over to the broken door, and moving the pieces as he orders the other guards to get another door. I try to continue reading, but I can't help watching his arms move as he works. When he looks over at me I almost break my neck to make it seem I wasn't watching him. I did pick up some things as I skimmed the pages. I won't be able to actually learn to control myself until I unlock everything. I slump in the chair in defeat.
"Love, King Jule needs to see you in his work area." Toran tells me from the doorway.
I follow him out, stopping to tell the other guards to send the rest of the books to my room. As I walk beside him it hits me he's been calling me love. Who knows if he realizes he's been calling me that? We walk into a greenhouse where King Jule is grinding things then mixing it into a mug. Once he looks up he smiles at us.
"Please sit (y/n) I have to discuss something with you." We sit across from each other at the little garden table. "I think it would be best to unlock your true power now instead of waiting." He tells me.
"I feel the same. I've been reading in the library this morning, and learned that since I'm a hybrid I could get more of the siren side or the witch side." I shrug in defeat.
"(Y/n) if you're ready then I need you to go to your room, and drink this entire mug. That's when you'll sleep for the rest of the day, and wake as it gets dark." He informs me.
"When I drink this, if I have a mate close by would they feel me around?" I worryingly ask.
"They would, or if you met them already it will strengthen the bond to be almost complete." He informs me, and I look to Toran.
"I suppose we should get ready." I sigh as I pick the mug up.
We stand up to follow King Jule, but Toran stops me as King Jule keeps walking.
"I'll be there when you wake up." He promises.
"You don't have to stay with me if you don't want to be."
He looks me in the eyes before kissing my forehead, and guides me to my room. Where King Jule is sitting on the couch waiting for us. Toran stood next to the bed as I got comfortable, and handed me the mug while softly rubbing two fingers on my cheek. I down the sour liquid that tastes like tea with too much lemon, and get the mug to Toran. I grab his hand as he goes to sit next to King Jule.
"Can you sit here until I fall asleep? I'm kinda nervous." I softly ask him.
He simply sits on the edge of the bed, keeping hold of my hand, and rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand. I started to feel a headache forming in the back of my head as my stomach twists. I squeeze Toran's hand as everything goes black.

~Part 3 in the works~

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