1.2 Werewolf Borg

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Borg's POV
I run close to camp, and when everyone runs to me. Some smiling, some talking excitedly, and some just watching me.

"Someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I growl in frustration. "This better be important." I cross my arms.

"Is it true you found our Luna?" A woman asks with a big smile.

I couldn't help the smirk. "Yes, but is that what you called me for?" I asked.

They then realize what I was getting at, and the crowd starts walking away. I shake my as Alik walks up to me.

"So tell me how the gorgeous...SEAMSTRESS..is?" He yells seamstress, and I notice people whispering.

"You told them?" I pushed him away.

"I did." He smirks proudly.

"Come on man. I just agreed to stay, and I was going to..." I stop talking.

"Going to?" He leans closer to me.

I push him down, going into my tent, and get the living situation sorted before sending for the rest of my pack. The king gave us most of the northern part of his land, and said it is mine to do with. If it wasn't for (y/n) I wouldn't have accepted. Sighing, I look over to the bag I had her gloves, and wrap it in. I quickly figured out a house plan, it was much like the plan for our home now, and I handed my messenger the rolled up housing plans to send to the Fae King. As I began to relax I noticed it was kinda quiet for midday, and when I stepped outside I noticed a good bit of people were gone. I growl, grabbing the bag, and head to the market. I know these nosey wolves would freak her out from watching her all day. As I get closer to the market my wolf gets anxious, because I can sense (y/n). Goddess her smell kills me. I walk straight to her home, running into some pack members, and telling them to get back to camp. Once I get closer to (y/n)'s house I see her beating a rug. I lightly put the bag on the ground as I sneak up behind her, putting my hands on her hips, but as I growl in her ear, she lightly moans, relaxing against me. I squeeze her to me as I rub my nose in her hair, breathing her in, and she leans her head back against my shoulder. Her hands cover mine, with a light squeeze, and I link our ring and pinky together.

"I'm glad you're still here." She softly says.

"I told you I was staying, and I meant it." I kiss her shoulder. "I sent word to the King, and when I hear from him I'll be sending for the rest of my pack."

She makes a mouse-like noise as she turns in my arms, hugging me, with her head on my chest. My wolf is going crazy right now wanting to mark her, and I didn't realize I was squeezing her until she whimpers. I immediately let her go.

"I'm sorry, Anam cara." I sigh.

"It didn't hurt." She mumbles into my chest.

As I move my hands back around her, I realize I have to get a shirt. Her hands are softly moving just an inch up then back down, it's almost burning.

"Anam cara you're driving my wolf crazy." I growl. "He wants to mark you." I squeeze her to me.

"What does Anam cara mean?" She asks, finally looking up at me.

"It..um.. it means soulmate." I look up embarrassed causing her to giggle.

"Would you like some lunch? I was about to cook the last of the deer you hunted." She smiles.

"I would love lunch, My Anam." I lean down slightly picking her up.

(y/n) POV

Once we are inside he kisses me softly, and I smile against his lips. As I got lunch ready he walked outside, and came back in with a bag. As I moved around I could feel his eyes on me. I hand him a plate full of deer, potatoes, and carrots with rosemary, but he looks at it for a minute. We get halfway through eating, and he hasn't really looked up from his plate.

''Is it good? Did you want something else?" I start to get worried, but he pulls me to his side by my chair.

"This is my favorite meal." He tells me as his hand rubs up my side. "Where's your mother?" He randomly asks.

"Um... she went to be with my aunt for the day. Why?"

He doesn't answer, just pulls me onto his lap, and kisses me passionately. My body melts into his as I run my hand into his beard up into his hair, but his hands move down my back to my ass. With a growl that vibrated against my chest, he picked me up, and walked us to my bed. He lightly sits me down, but stands back up, holding my head in his hands.

"My Anam, I have to stop." He sighs. "If we do this my wolf will mark you. I can't have him do that until I have a home for you."

"Borg, I understand. Well from what I remember from little pieces from my parents." I giggle.

"Was your father a wolf?" He asks, lightly playing with my hair.

"Yes. They were mates, and didn't know how I was going to grow up. I didn't get a wolf, I apparently got a mate, I heal fast, and I am stronger than any human here." I laugh.

"Anam there is something else I should tell you." He sits next to me. "Since I am Alpha, that means I need a Luna." He takes a breath. "I didn't know I was going to find my mate, so I told my pack that once we settled I would find one. The women of my pack have...well... have taken it upon themselves to try to claim that title." He hasn't looked up at me once since he started talking. "I don't want you to get hurt, so I want you to meet the pack that is here. Maybe help the women here?" He wonders.

"Oh." I take a sigh of relief. "I thought you were going to say you wouldn't want me there, or something." I chuckle.

"You are my mate..."He gets closer. "My Luna..." his lips barely touch mine. "My Anam Cara." He kisses me hard but passionate.

I lay back causing him to lay over me, my legs on his waist, and we finally separated for air. He rests his forehead against mine, and I could tell he was trying to control himself. I run my hand down his arm to try to get his attention.

"Borg, can I meet the pack now?" I try to help.

"Yes. Of course." He stands back up, stretching his arms.

I didn't realize how hard I was looking until he chuckled, and leaned down to me with his hands next to my hips. I peck his nose with a smile, and it, apparently, shocked Borg.

"Ohhh will you shift?" I get excited, so I scoot closer.

"I can if you want." He smirks.

"He looked so comfy." Borg lightly growls. "Granted he was big..wait that first night. Was that you who howled?" I ask, and I feel him tense.

"Yes." He simply says.

"Why were you sad?" I worry.

"My wolf needed you, and I had to have my beta chain to stop him from coming for you." He growls. "Since we have found you, that's all he wants." He chuckles at my blush. "I promise you I'm going to get the housing fixed as soon as I can. Now let's go. I hope you're ready to meet a lot of excited warriors." He jokes.

I smile at him as I get myself ready, and as I reach for my old wrap I feel something go around my neck. I looked behind me to see Borg there grabbing my new gloves out of a bag, and when he looked up to see me smiling at him. He walks to me like I'm his prey, and he slowly slides my gloves on for me. Right as we get to the tree line he shifts, and I notice his kilt shifts with him. As we walk he nips at my hand, runs around me, and nudges me with his head. His fur is soft, but rough at the same time, and there were a couple small spots that didn't have any at all.

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