pt2 2. Werebear Toric 18+

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Pt 2.
Werebear Toric 18+

Y/n P.O.V
I finally have the mate bond everyone was telling me about. It's only been three days since the ball, and I've been completely different. Toric has taken over the political side of my kingdom, so I could worry about my people. I've even helped in the woman's home. I make sure they get everything they need to start for themselves.
Tonight is a full moon, and since I have goddess blood I must shift on the first full moon. I walk into Toric's office with a basket of honey biscuits I made this morning. He's told me that he'll eat anything with honey. His head snaps up as I walk in, I giggle to myself when I see him sniffing the air.
"What's you got there, honey bee?" He looks at the basket as I slightly swing it.
"Honey biscuits." I put the basket in front of him. "I actually have something to tell you."
He stops mid bite to beckon me to his side of the desk. Once I'm there he pulls me to his thick thigh, giving me his full attention.
"As you know I have goddess blood, so that means on every full moon I must shift. It's only the first night though." I fidget as I talk to him.
He grips my hip in his one large hands to stop my movements. I rest my hand on his wrist while I look up at him.
"We'll go into the woods if you need to just stop moving like that." He growls in his chest.
"That's not all Toric." I look down timidly. "My heat also starts the next morning."
His body completely shakes as he growls, holding in a tight grip. He sits me on the desk, so he quickly gets a hold of himself. He gives me a quick kiss as he stands.
"Okay we'll shift at sunset, and then when you shift back to this gorgeous form we will come back to our chambers. Now it's your decision if I lock you inside alone or with me, and we mate fully." He looks me in the eyes as he gives me his plan.
"I want my mate with me." I move my hands along his chest before I lean my body into him.
I'm moved back to his lap as we enjoy the biscuits. Me feeding him a piece made us start kissing, getting completely lost, but not for long, he had a lot of work to do if he was to spend a week with me without any interruptions. I give him a kiss on the cheek before I leave for the kitchen.
As I'm putting the food platters on the table at the foot of our bed when I noticed the sun was setting. I quickly grabbed the bag I put together that had a blanket, a couple of Torics shirts, and I almost ran out the door. However I'm blocked by my mate with a very amused face as he practically catches me.
"I take it you're ready Honeybee." He laughs as he smooths his hands down my arms.
"I was making sure everything was prepared for this week, and I lost track of time." I grumble at him. "But I am ready." I hold up the bag with a proud smile on my face.
"What do you got there?" He eyes the bag as it moves in the air.
"A blanket and two of your shirts. I thought it would be easier for me than a whole gown. Is that okay if I use one?" I smile when he pulls me close to him.
"Oh Honeybee, you wearing my clothes is something else that makes me grateful for your heat." His deep voice makes me lean against him.
We began our walk to the woods, and I could sense Toric getting nervous even though his face is still plain. We get to our spot on the far left side of the border. When everyone was told I shift over here they don't come over here out of respect. Toric places the blanket down once we stop, and he helps me sit down. He however stays standing, causing me to look at him in confusion.
"Why won't you sit Toric?" I raise my hand to him.
"Because I have to be honest with you Honeybee." He lightly holds my hand. "When we shift I will not be a wolf. My mother had me before she found her true mate, and then had my brother." He looks so vulnerable. "I'm going to shift first so you know I won't hurt you."
I began to say his name, but he stopped me. He steps behind a tree, and it's not long before I hear him shift. I hear the leaves crunching as he walks around. I gasp as a grizzly bear walks toward me with clothes in his mouth. I gently take the clothes, and place them on my lap. I'm completely amazed that my mate is a big bear. I run my hand up his snout to the top of his head, but when I move over to one of his ears I giggle. When I start to scratch them he leans his heavy head into my chest. I keep scratching for just a moment before I start to feel cramping in my lower stomach and back.
"Toric." I whimper. "I have to shift."
I quickly step behind the tree and quickly throw my dress down. I still wasn't quick enough because when I shift my dress rips from it getting stuck on my head. I hold the dress in my mouth as I growl in frustration. I walk out dropping my dress on the blanket swatting at it with my paw. Toric gives me a soft roar before nudging my neck with his nose. I just lean my head into his neck and rub my head into his scent glands. He lets me keep rubbing my body to him until I'm completely sitting in front of him.
Toric holds his big arms around me as he lays us down with his body curled around mine. I'm brought out of my peace when the scent of a deer. I'm rising up to go hunt it when I'm pushed back down with a grunt. Toric licks my nose before leaving me to go hunt. I give him a quick yap of excitement just as he walks through the bushes. My mate is hunting for me. I roll on my back, kicking my legs, yapping for my mate to hurry. I'm so wrapped up in my own head I didn't realize my mate was watching me act like a complete pup. Him nuzzling his face into my stomach made me jump. His eyes held amusement as he turned his head to the dead deer on the ground.
After eating we lay back down. I fall asleep from the warmth of his fur, and when I wake I'm human. His deep snores tell me he's still sleeping, so I slowly reach the bag. I'm putting his shirt on as I hear him shift back to human, and wrap his arm around my stomach.
"How was your shift Honeybee?" His breath hits my shoulder as he leans closer grabbing his clothes.
"Great. I had great meat, and didn't need the blanket." I giggle.
"Speaking of meat. Please tell me what had you rolling and kicking around." He chuckles when I turn away from him. "Oh come on now."
I move my face back to him with a sigh. "I was happy I have a mate that hunts for me. I was just going to do it, because I'm used to doing it myself." I laugh.
"(Y/n) you are my mate, and you are meant to be a Queen." He grabs the bag, pulling the blanket out. "Which means...." He wraps me up in the blanket before lifting up like a bride. "You don't do anything, but get taken care of while I get you whatever it is you want." He carries me back to the castle.
We have just walked into the kitchen when I feel a wave of heat causing me to whimper and grip Toric's chest. He then quickly gets us to our chambers, lightly laying me on the bed, and locking the doors. I'm whimpering as he walks back to me. When I can finally look at him I realize he hasn't had a shirt on this whole time, and just the thought of me touching him makes me whimper at him.
"You ready Honeybee?" He moves a hand up my leg.
I don't respond, just move to my knees and lift my ass into the air. I need him now, and hearing the growl he releases lets me know he feels just like me. He moves his hands over my ass to my hips as I lean further to the bed. My chest is against the blanket when I hear him tear something, and it takes me seconds to figure out it was his pants. I'm beginning to pant when I feel him rub at my opening.
"Toric, please." I whine desperately.
"I got you, little mate. Just take it slowly." His voice goes deep as he slides inside me.
He gets stopped at the barrier, but he just wraps his big arms around me giving me a kiss to the shoulder as he breaks through. I gasp loudly, gripping his arm while he keeps going until his hips are connected to mine. He doesn't move his arm, he just moves my hair to hold in his other hand as he kisses along my shoulders. My head leans back to his shoulder feeling my body relax under his, and he took this as a sign to move.
"Honeybee, you feel so good." He groans as he begins to move.
I move my hips back to meet his every thrust, but I know it won't last long. I feel his grip on my hair tighten when I move my hips up and down. I smirk to myself when he growls in my back as he stands up, and begins to pull my head back. I moan out from him grinding into me, and the pain from my hair getting pulled.
"Mine." He growls into the air.
He gives my hip a forceful push down, and just rams into me roughly, holding for a second.
"Toric please." I whine out while I try to move with him.
"What little mate? Tell me what you need." He mocks me.
"I need you." I move my hand back to try to grab him somehow.
"You need me or do you need...." He does finish, he just begins to ram faster this time.
"Yes." I scream out as my nails dig into the blanket.
I feel my body lock up, my legs shake against his thighs, and my eyes squeeze shut. He pulls me up to his chest, his hand moves to my jaw, moving my face toward his, so he can kiss me deeply. His other hand moves up to play with my breast as he keeps pounding away at me hitting the same spot over and over again. He growls when I start locking up again, but doesn't let up he even goes faster.
"Let go Honeybee." His hand falls down to go back around my stomach holding me tighter.
My head lazily falls back with a body crushing moan as I scratch his arm. I move my hips in circles to chase my release only for it to make us fall to bed with him covering me, and releasing deep inside of me. I look up at him with half open eyes, and lean my forehead against his cheek. We take a second to catch our breaths before he slowly pulls out, making me gasp.
"Just lay here I'll be back." He gently lifts me to the pillows.
I smile to myself as I try to gather my body. Toric comes back with a soft linen with warm water on it from the basin next to the fireplace. I give a smile of thanks as he helps clean me up, but my head is thrown back with a moan when he moves over my clit. He smirks at me before he moves his fingers in circles. I grip the blanket as I lean up to moan at him.
"Toric...I cant."
"Just one more little mate." He leans up to kiss me quickly.
He keeps moving his fingers in circles, but when I lift my hips he pushes one inside. He curls his finger upward. I fall to the bed with an arch. I can't find my body as I throw my head back with an actual scream of release. With his finger in his mouth he comes to lay next to me. He covers us with the blanket I threw across the bed.
"Get some sleep when you wake I'll be here for you, my queen." He growls into my neck.
"I love you my mate." I tell him my voice is full of sleep.
"I love you as well my Honeybee." I comfortably wiggle myself to be on his knee, basically like I would be if we were sitting.

My heat lasted the whole week, and poor Toric was so tired once it was over. I laugh when he gives me looks now when I tell him a full moon is coming. I do tell him he can lock me in if he can't do it this month. He just growls at me and bends me over, usually it's his desk. He finally met my mother when she came to tell us I was with child. Toric immediately dropped to his knees to place his forehead to my stomach. Our son, Ambrose was born in the middle of winter. If it wasn't for Toric's warmth I don't think I would've made it.

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